
Grandparents Do Matter!

Typically a couple times a week (but nearly always at least once a week) a wonderful person who is part of the Legacy Coalition makes and posts a photo gif to the blog. I personally have several which are my favorites, but I especially love the one he posted today - so I have to share it with you!

Your Words are Powerful - Use Them to Pass on a Heritage of Faith

A year ago I was invited to speak at a grandparenting conference in Minnesota - check this link to see what I had to say about how the way we see our grandchildren has a huge impact on the way they see themselves.

As grandparents we have the opportunity to impact our grandchildren in powerful ways - by the words we speak and the things we do. What do you do to pass on a heritage of faith to the children you love? Consider using Generations Quest to do exactly this - pass on a heritage of faith to the children you love! (Check it out at this link.)

Pass on a Heritage of Faith with Generations Quest

In just ten days it will be June 1st - and the perfect time to begin using Generations Quest with the children you love! You still have time to order and begin on June 1st . . . so why not order today?

Generations Quest will help you pass on a heritage of faith to the children you love - check it out and order it at this link!

The Best Mother's Day Gift & Why I'm An Intentional Christian Grandma

Today is Mother's Day and so I'm sharing with you a conversation I had with my five-year old grandson yesterday. He and his brothers spent Friday night here having their weekly sleep-over, but he woke up with a fever and headache. I told him I was praying for him and asking God to help him feel better. 

After a bit, he started to feel better. As I snuggled him, he, his brother and I talked about the Bible verses on our Generations Quest schedule for the day - Proverbs 3:5, 6 - which also happen to be our Scripture blessing verses. We talked about what it means to trust in God and I told the boys I prayed every day for them to love God with their all now and to grow to be men who will do the same through all their lives.

Caleb (five years old) told me; "Thank you grandma, for praying for me! I love God with my all and want to always love Him!"

This is the best Mother's Day gift ever - to have my grandsons love God and want to continue to love Him with their all! This is why I am intentional in my interactions with them and am focused upon passing on a heritage of faith to them. It is what matters the most!

Why Should I Invest in Generations Quest for My Family? One Final Answer . . .

For the past five days I've been writing about the reasons why investing in
Generations Quest makes sense - today I'm sharing one more reason . . . because it is something simple you can do to be intentional about passing on your faith with any of your grandchildren; preschool through elementary no matter where they live.

Far too often we do not do anything to pass on our faith . . . or we do things in a hap-hazard way, but with Generations Quest you will be provided the tools you need to be intentional and focused about passing on your faith to the children you love! You will find it is so much easier to stay in touch and to connect in truly meaningful ways with Generation Quest and you will find your grandchildren's love for God's Word and their own walk with God will grow deeper and deeper as you all read God's Word each day!

So, why wouldn't you spend the $15 it costs to connect your entire family by reading God's Word each day? (Grandparents who invest with Generations Quest are welcome and encouraged to share it with their children and grandchildren and Parents are welcome to share it with their children - making it an amazing buy and savings when grandparents invest in Generations Quest!) You will find the information you need to invest today at this link - get it today and get ready to begin on June 1st as your family learns together about Josiah and God's Word!

Why Should I Invest in Generations Quest for My Family? Answer #5

I've been writing this week about why investing in Generations Quest for your family makes sense - today I'm sharing another reason to do this . . . because since God's Word changes lives and helps us walk with God, why wouldn't we want to invest in a tool which gives us a simple way to do this?

No long reason. No big explanation. Just the simple truth - God's Word makes a real and important difference in the lives of our family, so at less than $1.50 a month, why wouldn't we want to invest in Generations Quest, and do so today?

You will find all the information you need and the link to get Generations Quest for your family at this link - subscribe and please share this link with the people you know.

Why Should I Invest in Generations Quest for My Family? Answer #4

For the past few days I've been sharing reasons to invest in Generations Quest for your family . . . because it will allow your family to all be on the same page when it comes to reading God's Word together, because helping the children we love become grounded in God's Word will help keep them from becoming derailed in a world which is running farther from God every day and because with Generations Quest being "too busy" is not an excuse for not reading God's Word, as it is designed to involve just reading a verse or two a day!

Today I want to share another reason to invest in Generations Quest . . . because it will help you to stay in touch with the children you love! I am using Generations Quest with my grandsons. I print out the monthly reading calendar for them to use at home, but they also wanted me to email them the daily passage and question, so each morning - first thing - I take a few minutes to email a simple note to my grandsons. This is the email I sent them this morning . . . 

Why Should I Invest in Generations Quest for My Family? Answer #3

Our lives, and the lives of our family members, tend to be busy. We have so much to do each day, which means, far too often we do not make time for what really matters; because we are busy. Generations Quest was created to help busy people make time for what really matters - reading God's Word together as a family!

With Generations Quest you, and your children and grandchildren, read just a verse or a few verses a day. You all read the same verses whether you live near or far, then a couple times a month - or whatever works well for your family - you will connect . . . in person, over the phone, through facetime, on-line - or whatever works best for you.

No longer will being, "too busy" be an excuse to not take the time to pass on a heritage of faith to the children you love by helping them learn to read, understand and live God's Word! Please check Generations Quest out at - and invest today . . . start reading God's Word together with your family on June 1st!

Why Should I Invest in Generations Quest for My Family? Answer #2

As intentional Christian grandparents, we are serious about passing our faith to our grandchildren. But when we look at the world in which our grandchildren are growing up, we may fear there are too many things around them which will derail and side-track their faith. However; there are three very important things for us to remember . . . 

Why Should I Invest in Generations Quest for My Family? Answer #1

Last week Generations Quest released and more than 1000 people checked it out on the day it released! Thank you for taking a look at Generations Quest and for sharing it with the people you know!

This week I want to share with you some excellent reasons for you to move beyond checking Generations Quest out, to actually investing in it for your family . . . today I'm sharing with you my answer #1 . . . because it will allow your family to all be on the same page, reading the same Bible verses, the same day no matter the age or location of your family members!

Think about it . . . 

God's Word & Equipping the Children We Love

As Christian grandparents and parents we may look at the world around us and wonder how we are ever going to be able to pass on a heritage of faith when so many things which appeal to the children we love push them away from God. But, we do not have to be discouraged. We truly can be successful when it comes to passing on our faith. The “key” for helping the children we love grow to walk faithfully with God is found in God’s Word. Look at what we know to be true about God’s Word . . .

Intentionally Engage The Children You Love in Reading God's Word with Generations Quest

When you look at the world in which we live, do you wonder how the children you love will be able to maneuver around and through the many, “land-mines” which surround them?

Do you wonder how they will be able to grow up as children, then teens and eventually adults who love, know and walk with God, when everything around them seems to be focused upon keeping them from doing so?

Generations Quest is Here!

Today is the day! 

Generations Quest is ready for you to use with your family!

Recently my eight year old grandson began to read his Bible and my five-year old grandson wanted to read his Bible (he is learning to read). I knew I could get them devotionals for children, but they are typically something for children to read on their own. I believe it is my responsibility as an intentional Christian grandparent to be engaged with my grandchildren. To encourage them to read God's Word. To help them learn about real people in the Bible and how they chose to love, know and walk with God. To connect with them as they do to answer questions and have important conversations with them about the things they learn in God's Word.

So, since I could not find anything which would allow me to do these things with my grandsons, I began to write a resource for them which would. As I did, I realized it is a resource any intentional Christian grandparent could use with their grandchildren - no matter the age or location of their grandchildren - to be focused and intentional about passing on a heritage of faith!

And Generations Quest was "born"!

Winter Reading - AND Family Fun - the Life on the Goldilocks Planet books

  From time to time I post about my Life on the Goldilocks Planet books as they make fantastic books for the entire family to enjoy. Today I...