
Helping my Grandsons Learn to Pray the Scriptures!

My husband and I are praying through the Book of Psalms for our grandsons - and our daughter, son and daughter-in-law. We are using my book - Deeper In 4 Grandparents & Parents, Too! Praying the Scriptures for the Children You Love - Psalms EditionEach week we pray through a different passage, which is broken into seven smaller portions for focused daily prayer.

I am working on a "version" of this book for children where they will be able to pray through the same Scriptures as their grandparents - or parents - are praying each day. So, I've started having my grandsons give it a try! 

Reading God's Word Together!

For the past few months I've been giving my grandsons
specific Bible verses to read each day which their poppa and I are also reading. I believe there is much to be gained from reading God's Word and when we as grandparents are able to do it with our grandchildren, on a daily basis no matter where we all live, it is a truly wonderful thing!

I've been emailing my grandsons the daily Bible verse, along with what I think about the verse and often a fun website for them to check out as well. 

The other day my oldest grandson said he would like to be the one who emails the daily Bible verse to his poppa and I. It sounded like a good idea - worth trying - so he is not emailing a verse to me each day . . . or most days! If he misses a day, he sends me two verses the following day.

Let Them Hear & Read God's Word, Too!

Image may contain: one or more peopleI have personally read through the Bible many times in my life – as you have likely done as well, however; I recently came across a verse which I'm sure I must have read before, but just truly "noticed" . . . .

What Do You Want Your Grandchildren to Know?

Today is June 1st and it is the day those of us using Generations Quest to be intentional about passing on faith to our grandchildren will begin a study in the life of King Josiah and learn about what it means to love God's Word. It will be a great month of learning and important faith conversations for sure!

If you have not made the decision yet to use Generations Quest with your family, consider the following . . . 

Winter Reading - AND Family Fun - the Life on the Goldilocks Planet books

  From time to time I post about my Life on the Goldilocks Planet books as they make fantastic books for the entire family to enjoy. Today I...