
Pray & Help Those You Love Learn to Do the Same

Prayer is taking the time to talk about what matters the most to us with the One Who is able to do what we can not. I have been able to see amazing ways God is answering prayers which matter very much to me - I know He does what He said He would do - He hears, He listens and He answers prayer!

If you would like help praying for your grandchildren, check out my books - Deeper In 4 Grandparents & Parents, Too - Praying the Scriptures for the Children You Love (Psalms Edition and Old Testament Edition). I'm helping my grandsons learn the pray Scripture, too. We choose a passage in Psalms, talk about what it means and they they help write the "nut shell version" of a prayer for the passage. Children understand far more than for which we give them credit! My grandsons' prayers have been amazing!

What are you doing to pray for the ones who matter to you? How are you helping the children you love learn to pray?

Help Wanted!

For a few months now I've been working on a new writing project; it's title is, "The DNA of a Praying Grandparent". In this book I will be sharing the "Prayer Histories" of people in the Bible who prayed, people through time who prayed and people from today who prayed and talk about how to develop a life of prayer, live as a person who prays and reproduce this life of prayer in the children and grandchildren who come behind us.

I would love to be able to include the true, "Prayer Histories" of real people and how God answered their prayers - or the prayers of their grandparents. If you have a "Prayer History" of your own or your family's - or know someone who does - and would be willing to share it, please email me -

I shared about how God answered my grandparent's prayer a few weeks ago - you will find it at this link taken from a book about my grandparents, Clarence and Faye Fullmer, written by my sister (Clarence & Faye - copyright 2016 by Loretta Baughan). 

Happy 4th of July!

I hope you have a wonderful 4th of July filled with grandchildren, cookouts and a reflection on the freedom we enjoy in this country and through Christ! 

This is from the Legacy Coalition facebook page and I thought I'd share it with you today! Feel free to share it with the people you know!

Winter Reading - AND Family Fun - the Life on the Goldilocks Planet books

  From time to time I post about my Life on the Goldilocks Planet books as they make fantastic books for the entire family to enjoy. Today I...