
Pass On Your Faith & Illustrate a Book Together!

Passing faith to our grandchildren/children is the most important thing we can do - will anything else we do matter if the children we love grow up and forget God? 

There are many ways we can do this; when it comes to passing faith to my grandsons I tend to write resources I can use with them. One such resource I've written is a series of books about unknown Bible heroes which they can illustrate. I am in the process of publishing several of these, but the first one which is ready to go is about Jehoshaphat. Who was Jehoshaphat, you ask? He was the great, great, great grandson of King David - and since most people have not heard about him, he definitely qualifies as an "unknown Bible hero"!

Fun New Resource & A Giveaway, Too!

In this day and age it is especially important for grandparents (and parents) to be focused upon passing their faith to the children they love, but it can be a challenge to find resources to help us do this. Science the Bible & Fun! was written for this reason and provides 52 weeks of lessons grandparents/parents will be able to use to engage our grandchildren/children in learning how to love, know and walk with God!

Each week there is a science activity which will engage children and connect them to the point of the Bible event. They will learn about Bible people and how to pray the Psalms back to God along with fun activities which are just for fun!

Make A Real Difference . . . Pray Scripture!

I firmly believe when grandparents are focused upon passing their faith to their children's children, this benefits children and families for generations. It matters when grandparents (and parents, too) are focused upon growing in their own walk with God and upon passing on a heritage of faith to the children they love.  

Today I'm very happy to recommend to you a resource which will help you do this . . . Deeper In 4 Grandparents & Parent's, Too! Praying the Scriptures for the Children You Love - Psalms Edition. This book provides grandparents - and parents - with 52 weeks of prayers from Psalms which they will be able to pray for themselves and for the children they love. Each week provides a Scripture passage from the Book of Psalms, questions to help us think through what this passage is saying and then a personalized prayer for us to pray for our own walk with God and another to pray for our grandchildren. Then, the prayers are broken into seven portions - one for each day of the week. This helps us pray focused on smaller portions so we are able to be very specific in our prayers throughout the week.

I'm putting a sample prayer here for you to see . . . and try. 

Special Giveaway on May 2, 2016!

Tomorrow on grandma's cookie jar (my blog for grandparents/parents) I'm giving away one copy of Deeper In 4 Grandparents & Parents, Too! Praying the Scriptures for the Children You Love - Psalms Edition. You have time to enter the drawing - who knows??? Maybe you will win!

I think this is a book which will prove to be a very useful tool for grandparents and parents as they focus on praying for their grandchildren/children . . . but, then I did write it, so it is possible my opinion would tend towards the "biased" side!

So, today I thought it would be fun to share with you some of the opinions of people who read my book before it was released . . . 

Winter Reading - AND Family Fun - the Life on the Goldilocks Planet books

  From time to time I post about my Life on the Goldilocks Planet books as they make fantastic books for the entire family to enjoy. Today I...