
Fun New Resource & A Giveaway, Too!

In this day and age it is especially important for grandparents (and parents) to be focused upon passing their faith to the children they love, but it can be a challenge to find resources to help us do this. Science the Bible & Fun! was written for this reason and provides 52 weeks of lessons grandparents/parents will be able to use to engage our grandchildren/children in learning how to love, know and walk with God!

Each week there is a science activity which will engage children and connect them to the point of the Bible event. They will learn about Bible people and how to pray the Psalms back to God along with fun activities which are just for fun!

Science the Bible & Fun! 

Author - Lynda Freeman

Favorite Features -

  • 52 weeks of fun and learning in one book!
  • Activities require some supplies, but most are things you have around your home or are easily found in your local grocery store.
  • Families will be able to spend a full month learning about each Bible person - so you are able to get a full view of who they are and how they chose to love, know and walk with God.
  • Families will be able to learn how to pray the Psalms.
  • Combines fun science projects, crafts, cooking, games and Bible learning for fun for the whole family!
I'm very happy to say on June 10, 2016 I'm giving away one Science the Bible & Fun! (USA only) on my blog, grandma's cookie jar. You'll find all the details at this link!

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