
I'm Giving a Book Away Tomorrow - You Could Win!

I talk a lot about passing on a heritage of faith to our grandchildren, but you may be wondering how do you actually do this? You know it is important - even essential - for you to do this, but how do you pass on your faith whether you are a grandparent or a parent? Is this something you can actually do?

First of all, the answer is, yes! Passing on your faith is something you can actually do! The simple answer for "how" you do this, is you take a two prong approach to it . . . you plan times to specifically focus on passing on your faith and you work it into the day-in-day-out living of life by watching for those opportunities when you are able to connect life with your faith.

As for more info on how to do these things, take a look at my book;  It is Impossible to Spoil Grandchildren; and Other Important Facts for Grandparents & Parents, Too!. Along with, "sweet boy stories" (I am a grandma, after all!) in each chapter in this book I share specific ways you can pass your faith to your grandchildren!

And, I'm giving away one  It is Impossible to Spoil Grandchildren; and Other Important Facts for Grandparents & Parents, Too! tomorrow - September 1, 2016! You will find all the details for how to be included in the drawing tomorrow morning at the following link . . . enter! Someone will win . . . could be you!

And, whether you are a grandparent or a parent, the information in It is Impossible to Spoil Grandchildren; and Other Important Facts for Grandparents & Parents, Too! is for you! Plus, keep in mind, with Grandparent's Day just a few days away, it makes a great gift for the grandparents in your life!

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