Yes, we want to, and need to engage the grandparents in our churches, but we also have to equip them. We need to provide resources they can use which will help them feel able to pass on a heritage of faith. I've talked with many grandparents who tell me they want to pass on a heritage of faith, but they do not know how to do so; they do not know what to do.

Science, the Bible & Fun! is flexible - you could use it once a week, or make a week's lesson last two, three or four weeks as you use just a part of it each week allowing you to use it however best fits your family. The point is, Science, the Bible & Fun! is easy to use and a fun way for grandparents to enjoy time with their grandchildren while passing on a heritage of faith!
Check it out - you'll find free sample lessons at this link and more information about Science, the Bible & Fun! Please share it with the grandparents in your church, because as you equip them with resources they can use, and as they use them, you will find the families at your church will be stronger . . . and so will your Children's Ministry!
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