
the little answer book - Now Available!


I am very happy today to let you know my new book - the little answer book - is now available on Amazon! It will be available in a day or two in our bookstore as a digital copy and at a special price for churches who get it to use with the parents/ grandparents in their church.

As I say in my book, I am not a scientist. I am not a theologian. I am not a philosopher. I am not an apologist. I am a mom and I am a grandma. I have listened as friends have shared how their loved grown child and/or grandchild turned away from their faith. I know this is a pain more and more parents and grandparents are experiencing (as shown by the Barna studies). We must not sit back and continue to watch as the ones we love turn away from their faith.

We must be proactive and teach the ones we love not only what we believe, but why we are able to believe it. We must have the answers so when those we love, who have turned from the faith, ask questions, we are able to answer them. We must do things differently than we have been doing them or we will continue to watch the ones we love turn from their faith.

Get the little answer book and read it - it is a "little" book, so it will not take long. Keep it on hand and refer to it when teaching the ones you love why they are able to believe God is real, science and God go together, God is good, and the Bible is true. Make it available for the ones you love who have turned from their faith - especially if they have questions, but, as I wrote in a post today on Grandmas with Heart, do not force it on them.

Ask your church to get and give the little answer book to moms and grandmas for Mother's Day - I have a special price for churches who want to do this - have them email me at for all the specifics.

In a couple weeks I will be releasing the little answer book for children - please watch for this journal/activity book you will be able to use with the children you love to equip them with the whys, so they grow up knowing why they believe what they believe. 

We do not have to sit helplessly by as the ones we love turn from their faith. We are able to make a difference by teaching the ones we love why they are able to believe and we are able to answer their questions. the little answer book will help you do exactly these things.

#teachthewhys #handingdownconfidentfaith #itmatterswhatwedo 

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