
Give the Gift of "Why" for Mother's Day

If you are looking for a Mother's Day gift for a mom or grandma who wants to hand down confident faith or who has children/ grandchildren who may have turned away from their faith, this is the gift for them. Plus, it is on sale for only $6.35!

Why might you want this book? consider the following . . . 

  • You want to be equipped with answers to the four most important questions - Is God real? Do God and science go together? Is God good? Is the Bible true?
  • You have someone you love who is questioning their faith and you want a simple, short resource you could give them to help them discover the answers.
  • You want to know the "whys" so you are able to teach them to the children you love to help them have a confident faith.
Look what people are saying about the little answer book -

Passing the faith on to our children and grandchildren is our number one priority. In an age of skepticism, we need tools to ground our children and youth. Lynda’s commitment to our faith and her love for her grandchildren come together in this practical book targeted at the heart of those you love.”  

                                                  Scott Turansky, National Center for Biblical Parenting and author of Parenting is Heart Work

I just read the little answer book, Lynda. We are facing unprecedented times. Your passion really comes through. So much research! May the Holy Spirit reach into all loved ones who've fallen away. With God nothing is impossible!

Joani Schultz

Group Publishing

Mother's Day is just over a week away, so if you are looking for a gift to give a mom you know, consider giving them the gift of "why" with the new book - the little answer book. This little book will give them "whys" to share with the ones they love - to equip them to have a confident faith, and to have important conversations with the ones they love who have turned away from their faith.

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