
Don't Worry: It is Impossible to Spoil Grandchildren - A Christmas Gift Which Helps You Do What Matters the Most


Do you agree with me when I write about passing on a heritage of confident faith to the children you love, but are not sure where and how to begin? Do you have friends who are grandparents - or parents - who also want to pass on confident faith, but are also not sure where to begin? Are you looking for a Christmas gift for a grandparent/ parent you know which is a good read and one which will help them know how to do what matters the most?

Have you ever wondered, or been concerned, if you might be spoiling your grandchildren? Well, worry no longer, because it is impossible to spoil your grandchildren! It is, however; possible, and highly likely, you will "well-love" them and God gives us the example of what it looks like to do this, because He absolutely well-loves us! When we follow God's example, we will understand both the joys and responsibilities of handing down a heritage of confident faith to our the children we love 

Don't Worry: It is Impossible to Spoil Grandchildren will help you realize how important it is to see life, and grandparenting, from God's perspective as you show your grandchildren what it means to be people who seek and walk with God and who experience His faithful love. Handing down confident faith to our grandchildren (children) is the most important thing we are able to do as grandparents (parents) and Don't Worry: It is Impossible to Spoil Grandchildren will give you personalized Scripture prayers, ideas, and more to help you put the pieces together for handing down confident faith!

Don't Worry: It is Impossible to Spoil Grandchildren is a book which you could read/work through on your own or in a Sunday school class or small group and makes a fantastic Christmas gift - you will find it in our bookstore and on Amazon at this link.

#grandmas #handingdownthefaith #itmatterswhatwedo #grandparentingonpurpose

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