
Anchored will Help You Teach the "Whys" - More Important Now than Ever


Today I want to share about an important, much needed, resource for your church's Children's Ministry - please share this post with the leaders in your church.

Recently I read an article about new Gallup Poll results regarding how fewer people in the USA now see the Bible as the literal Word of God. The new poll showed, what was to me, a shocking result - only 20% of people believe the Bible is the literal Word of God - only 20%. This is the lowest percentage since they began taking this poll in 1976. Even more shocking to me, this is the first time more people - 29% - "say the Bible is a collection of 'fables, legends, history and moral precepts recorded by man.'" They went on to say, "This marks the first time significantly more Americans have viewed the Bible as not divinely inspired than as the literal word of God."

The study also showed 49% believe the Bible is inspired by God, but parts are not to be taken literally. (You will find the entire report at this link.)

Now, more than ever, it matters for parents/grandparents/the church to focus on teaching the "whats" - what the Bible says and therefore what we believe - and the "whys" - why we are able to believe. When the children only learn the "whats", they may go on to believe all their lives, but as the polls show, more and more of them are not continuing to believe. We must teach the "whys" so they are able to know with confidence why they believe what they believe.

Anchored is a supplemental curriculum - which means it will work alongside whatever curriculum you use to teach the "whats" - it is designed to teach the "whys" and it is available at this link - plan to get your copy and teach the "whys" this year - clearly it matters for us to do this more than ever.

#handdownconfidentfaith #anchored #teachthewhys

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