
Deeper In 4 Grandparents & Parents, Too! - Check a Week Out

When it comes to passing on a heritage of faith to our grandchildren or children, there is absolutely nothing more powerful or important which we can do than to pray for the children we love. This is why I wrote the book Deeper In 4 Grandparents & Parents, Too! Praying the Scriptures for the Children You Love - Old Testament Edition, - which is now available on Kindle (and on Amazon, too!)

In this book you'll find 52 weeks of Scripture passages which have been personalized into prayers for yourself and for the children you love. These prayers are then divided into seven parts so you can focus on the passage and prayer for a week and pray it more specifically. 

To help you see what Deeper In 4 Grandparents & Parents, Too! is all about, I thought I'd share one week with you . . . 

Week 38 - Read – Psalm 100

Pay attention to –

·         What does this passage tell me about praising God?
·         What do I learn about why I worship God in this passage?
·         What do I especially like about this passage?
·         What do I not like or do not understand?
·         How does this passage help me know God better?
·         What will I do to live this passage today?
Prayer  -

Dear God, on this day I choose to shout for joy to You! I want to worship You, the LORD, with gladness and come before You with joyful songs! I know You, LORD, are God. You made me and I am Yours; I belong to You and am the sheep of Your pasture. I want to enter Your gates with thanksgiving and Your courts with praise! I give thanks to You and praise Your name for You, LORD, are good and Your love lasts forever! I praise You for Your faithfulness which continues through all generations!

Please help my grandchildren/children have hearts so filled with joy, they can not help but to shout with joy to You! Please cause them to worship You with gladness and know they can come before You with joyful songs. As they go through this day, please help them come to know You more and as they do, know You are God, You made them and they are Yours. Please fill their hearts with joy at knowing they belong to You; You are their Shepherd and they are Your sheep. Please help them follow You and want to enter Your courts with thanksgiving and praise. The more they get to know You, please help them be ever more thankful because they know how good you are and they know Your love lasts forever!  Please help them experience Your faithfulness which they learned about from their grandparents/parents and be committed to pass this truth on one day to their own children. Thank You for Your great love for us; I love You, too. Amen!

Focus for the Week –

Make this your prayer in the coming week and as you go through your day, make it a point to draw your thoughts to the following focus . . .

  • Sunday – Dear God, on this day I choose to shout for joy to You! Please help my grandchildren /children have hearts so filled with joy, they can      not help but to shout with joy to You!  How will it change my life today for me to be a person who chooses to shout for joy to God? What will it look like for me to “shout for joy to God”? Pray my grandchildren/children will be people who are joyful and who praise God with their joy.
  • Monday – I want to worship God with gladness and come before Him with joyful songsPlease cause my grandchildren/children to worship You with gladness and know they can come before You with joyful songsHow does worshiping God with gladness change my everyday life? What will I do to come before God with joyful songs today? How will I worship God today? Pray my grandchildren/children will be people who worship God in a genuine and real way with gladness and joy.
  • Tuesday – I know God is GodAs they go through this day, please help my grandchildren/children come to know You more and as they do, know You are God. How does it change my life for me to be a person who knows God is God? How does knowing this change the way I live today? Pray my grandchildren/children will not be deceived, but will know the truth; God is God.
  • Wednesday – God made me and I am His; I belong to Him; I am one of His sheepAs they go through this day, please help my grandchildren/children come to know You made them and they are Yours. Please fill their hearts with joy at knowing they belong to You; You are their Shepherd and they are Your sheep How does it change the way I live today if I know God made me and I belong to Him? Take some time to make a list of at least five ways God shows He is my Shepherd and He cares for me – and spend time thanking God for these things! Pray my grandchildren/children will know they belong to You; You are their Shepherd and they are Your sheep. Please help them keep these truths in mind as they make decisions today.
  • Thursday – I want to enter God’s gates with thanksgiving and His courts      with praise! Please help my grandchildren/children follow You and want to enter Your courts with thanksgiving and praiseWhat will I do today to “enter God’s gates with thanksgiving and praise”? How can I have an attitude of thanksgiving and praise today? What will this look like? How will it change my life for me to be a thankful and praise-filled person? Pray my grandchildren/children will not only have an attitude of thanksgiving and praise today, but will grow to be thankful people who follow God, but who also freely praise God.
  • Friday – I give thanks to God and praise His name for He is good and His love lasts forever! The more they get to know You, please help them be ever more thankful because they know how good You are and they know Your love lasts forever!  How does it change the way I live today for me to know God is Good and His love lasts forever? What specifically, will I do      today to thank and praise God for His never-ending love? Pray my grandchildren/children will grow to be people who know God is good and experience His never-ending love and as they do they will be ever more thankful.
  • Saturday – I praise God for His faithfulness which continues through all generationsPlease help my grandchildren/children experience Your faithfulness which they learned about from their grandparents /parents and be committed to pass this truth on one day to their own children. What will my life look like today if I really believe God’s faithfulness continues through all generations? How will I praise God today for His never-ending faithfulness? Pray my grandchildren/children will choose to love, know and walk with God and will one day be faithful to pass on a heritage of faith to their own children/grandchildren.

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