
The Most Important Thing We Can Do . . .

When it comes to being grandma - or grandpa or even mom or dad - what do you think is the most important thing you can do and need to do?

Well, clearly loving our grandchildren, being generous with the hugs, teaching, spending time with, reading to them, have fun with them are all important, but, the most important thing we can do and need to do is to pray for our grandchildren. We can talk with our grandchildren, share God's Word with them and encourage them to make the choice to love, know and walk with God, but we can not make those important decisions for our grandchildren. They are the ones who have to make them and in this world today, these decision can be more difficult to make.

However; while we can not make these decisions for our grandchildren, we absolutely can, and must, pray for them. This is why I wrote the book; Deeper In 4 Grandparents & Parents, Too! Praying the Scriptures for the Children You Love - Old Testament Edition. It matters if we pray for our grandchildren and my book can help us focus and do exactly this!

So, today I thought I'd share another of the Scripture prayers in Deeper In 4 Grandparents & Parents, Too! Praying the Scriptures for the Children You Love - Old Testament Edition . . . 

Week 1 - Read - Exodus 14:13,14,29-31

Pay attention to –

·         What has does God want me to do according to this passage?
·         What is the result from doing as God says, according to this passage?
·         What do I especially like about this passage?
·         What do I not like or do not understand?
·         How does this passage help me know God better?
·         What will I do to live this passage today?

Prayer  -

Dear God, on this day I ask for Your help to not be afraid; sometimes there are things which cause me concern, things I worry about and might even fear. Please help me to instead stand firm and trust I will see the deliverance    
You bring. I need to remember, when I trust You, I won’t need to continue to feel afraid or worry, because I can know for sure You will fight for me; I just need to stand still. Please help me have the confidence to not run when facing difficult times, but to move forward on the “dry ground” You provide. When this happens, please open my eyes, so I will see Your mighty hand, see how You save me and will trust in You even more!

Please help my grandchildren/children know when they are afraid, they can ask You for help. Please help them know when they make the choice to stand firm and trust, they will see how You deliver them. As they go through this day, please help them remember to trust You and when they do, please help them experience how they do not need to continue to feel afraid or worry, because they can know for sure You will fight for them; they just need to stand still. It is likely my grandchildren/children will experience difficult, even frightening times in their lives; please help them have the confidence to not run, but to move forward on the “dry ground” You provide. When this happens, please open their eyes, so they will see
Your mighty hand, see the truth of how You save them and will trust in You even more. Thank You for Your great love for us; I love You, too! Amen!

Focus for the Week –
Make this your prayer in the coming week and as you go through your day, make it a point to draw your thoughts to the following focus . . .

  • Sunday – Dear God, on this day I ask for Your help to not be afraidPlease help my grandchildren /children know when they are afraid, they can ask You for helpWhat am I afraid of, or what do I worry about? Why am I afraid or why do I worry? How does it change me to make the choice to ask God for help when I feel afraid or am worried? Pray my grandchildren /children will know when they are afraid or worried; they can ask you for help. Make time to talk with my grandchildren/children about how God has helped me not be afraid/worried.
  • Monday – Sometimes there are things which cause me concern, things I worry about and might even fear. Please help me to instead stand firm and trust I will see the deliverance You bringPlease help my grandchildren /children know when they make the choice to stand firm and trust, they will see how You deliver them.  What do I do when I feel afraid or worried? Do I stand firm and trust God? Why or why not? How has God helped me stand firm and trust Him in the past? What do I need God’s deliverance in now? Pray my grandchildren /children will know when they are afraid, they can stand firm and trust God and know He will deliver them.  
  • Tuesday – Please help me remember, when I trust You, I won’t need to continue to feel afraid or worry, because I can know for sure You will fight for meAs they go through this day, please help my grandchildren/children remember to trust You and when they do, please help them experience how they do not need to continue to feel afraid or worry, because they can know for sure You will fight for themAm I trusting God today or feeling afraid? How has God “fought” for me in the past? What do I need Him to “fight” for me today? Pray for my grandchildren/children as they grow up they will see and experience how they can trust God and know He will fight for them.
  • Wednesday – I just need to stand stilland so do my grandchildren/childrenThe Israelites could not save or help themselves; they had to physically stand still and trust God. How do I need to physically, “stand still” today? Pray for my grandchildren/children to learn how to tell when they need to physically, “stand still” and wait for God. Make time to share with my grandchildren /children about times in my life when I had to “stand still”.
  • Thursday – Please help me have the confidence to not run when facing difficult times, but to move forward on the “dry ground” You providePlease help them have the confidence to not run when facing difficult times, but to move forward on the “dry ground” You provideWhat does the “dry ground” God is providing for me actually look like? What does God want me to do? How does He want me to move forward on this “dry ground”? Am I confident to do this?  Pray my grandchildren /children will learn to turn to God trust Him and have confidence to move forward on “dry ground”.
  • Friday – When I, and my grandchildren /children, move confidently on the “dry ground” You provide, please open our eyes, so we will see Your mighty hand. Do I watch for how God provides the “dry ground” for me to move forward? Do I move out confidently when He provides a way for me? How have I been able to see God provides “dry ground” for me lately? Pray for my grandchildren to be able to see God’s mighty hand in their lives. As they grow up, pray they will have eyes which see how God works in their lives and hearts willing to go where He leads them.
  • Saturday – Please help me see how You save me, so I will trust in You even moreWhen this happens, please help my grandchildren /children see the truth of how You save them, so they will trust in You even moreDo I really trust God to lead me? Do I really trust Him to provide “dry ground”      for me? How has God showed me lately I can absolutely trust Him. Pray for my grandchildren/children to grow up seeing God’s hand in their lives and trusting Him more and more each day.
Deeper In 4 Grandparents & Parents, Too! Praying the Scriptures for the Children You Love - Old Testament Edition has 52 weeks of Scripture prayers from passages throughout the Old Testament. It is designed to help your pray God's Word for your life and for the lives of the children you love!

And, don't forget, in just four days, on September 13, 2015 I'm giving away one Kindle ebook of Deeper In 4 Grandparents & Parents, Too! Praying the Scriptures for the Children You Love - Old Testament Edition! You'll find all the details at this link, but you still have time to enter this drawing! Who knows??? Maybe you will win!!!

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