
Know, Honor & Respect

I recently wrote a post for the Legacy Coalition facebook page which I want to encourage you to read today. In it I talk about how Deuteronomy 31:13 challenged me to focus on what is most important . . . helping my grandsons know, respect and honor God for themselves.

You will find the post at this link - please read it and then the next time you are with your grandchildren (or make time to call, email or snail mail them), be sure to share with them what you do to know, respect and honor God. Help them do the same by . . .
  • Reading God's Word together. Deuteronomy 31:13 says the children must hear God's Word read to them, because they do not know God, yet. If we really want the children we love to know God, they need to hear and read His Word.
  • Praying together. Praying God's Word together is an even better way to help your grandchildren know God (check out my resources which have been written to help you do exactly this! - Science, the Bible & Fun!   Deeper In 4 Grandparents & Parents, Too! Praying the Scriptures for the Children You Love - Psalms Edition)
  • Serving God together. Make something to brighten the day of a pastor, shut-in, secretary, local police/fire fighters, etc., or raise money to help families in need around the world, or work together to find another way to serve.
These are just a few ideas for how you can help your grandchildren know, respect and honor God - this is what really matters!

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