
Science, the Bible & Fun! - Look What People Are Saying . . .

Recently I shared with you information about my book; Science the Bible & Fun! I also posted one complete lesson for you to see and try.

I believe this is a resource grandparents will be able to use with their grandchildren to pass on their faith. I believe parents will be able to do the same. I believe home-schoolers will find this resource one which would fit nicely with their school plans by providing science experiments and Bible study. I also believe churches may find it to be a resource which fits very well with their mid-week ministry needs. I believe it is a resource which will fill the needs of many; but then I did write it!

So, today I want to share with you what other people are saying about Science the Bible & Fun! . . .

Lynda Freeman understands instilling Biblical principles into the hearts and minds of children is best done with the help of visual aids.  Her book provides the opportunity for adults to interact with children in a fun yet meaningful way.  Thanks Lynda for such a valuable tool. ” 
                                                                                                                                 Nancy  Samra;                                                                                                       Mom of three, Grandma of 11

"I liked your book very much.  I think the material is desperately needed by grandparents and parents.  I know of a number of grandmas who would love to have it right now.  Well presented, too. "
                                    Cathy Jacobs: 
                                                                                                 Mom of three, Grandma of  four,                    Director of Pass the Legacy & Author of Seven Keys for Godly Grandparenting                                                        
“I haven't been able to personally use these materials with my own children (who are grown) or granddaughter (she is far away and is only four months old), but I can see the lessons being very valuable for homeschool families, parents and grandparents to use as they lead their children to a deeper relationships with Jesus. Using the Psalms along with other stories of the Bible and connecting them to a child's prayers to God is great. These lessons could be adapted for use in a church setting as well. I would love to share some of the science experiment/object lessons with the children at my church.
                                                                                                                                Karen Watkins;                                                                    Mom of two, Grandma of one & 
  Children’s Ministry Coordinator at NorthBrook Fellowship

I just finished reading the book and I LOVED it! It is definitely a perfect way for me to spend time with my children, have fun with them and most importantly, teach them more about the Bible.“
Amy Campbell;
Mom of two

I'm sure we all agree, one of the most important things for us to do as grandparents /parents is for us to pass on a heritage of faith to the children we love. If you have ideas for doing this - great! If not, why wouldn't you give Science the Bible & Funa try? In this book you'll find a full year of lessons, activities, science projects and most importantly, lessons which guide you in looking at real Bible people and how they chose to love, know and walk with God!

You'll find Science the Bible & Funat this link - please share it with the people you know!

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