
Now There Are Just Three Days Until You Are Able to Get Your Free e-Book

Have you ever had a week where the days just "flew" by and before you knew it, the week was past? I have, but not this past week. Now, don't get me wrong, this past week was filled with wonderful opportunities to spend time with family - especially grandsons, so of course I enjoyed my week, but since Wednesday each day I woke up thinking it was Friday. When I realized it was not, I thought, "How can it not be Friday?" and then it felt like Friday was never going to get here - even though I had a week filled with wonderful time with the boys - which I loved!

You may have noticed my "timeline" was off yesterday when I posted there were only three days to go until you would be able to download a free Kindle e-Book of my new book - It is Impossible to Spoil Grandchildren. Yesterday there were four days to go, not three, because yesterday was Thursday, not Friday!

So, today is actually Friday and this means now there are really just three days until you will be able to download your free e-Book! Please plan to get your copy on Monday, June 4, 2018 and spread the news to the grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles and anyone you know who works with children as they will be able to download their free e-Book, too!

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