
Please Share Your Prayer History

I (Lynda) am working on a new book - The DNA of Praying Grandparents & Parents. I hope to complete it the beginning of September, but am asking for your help. I would love, absolutely love to be able to include a chapter which shares accounts from people across the country - and even from around the world - about how God has answered their prayers. 

So, I am asking for your help. If you would be willing to share your, "Prayer History", some of how God has answered your prayers, or the prayers of your family, please email me at  I'm not looking for pages and pages of your "Prayer History", just a few sentences or a paragraph which share about a time when God answered your prayers.

I would be honored to include in my book how God has answered your prayers - please email me and feel free to share this with others who you know have experienced the way God answered their prayers as well.

#grandmas #handingdownthefaith #itmatterswhatwedo #grandparentingonpurpose

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