
Get Your Free Kindle Copy of The DNA of Grandparents & Parents who Hand Down the Faith

One week from today on October 7, 2019 you will be able to receive your own Kindle copy of my new book - The DNA of Grandparents & Parents who Hand Down the Faith. In this book I look at what it takes to develop a walk of faith, how to live as someone whose faith is real and ways to reproduce and hand down the faith to the generations who come behind you. I wrote about people from the Bible, people from time and people from today and how they did these things to develop a strong Spiritual DNA. Look at some of the things people are saying about my book!

One of the people I wrote about is a friend, Janae Dean. She shared with me what happened a couple years ago when her son became extremely ill. The doctors and all the tests said he was brain dead and they were talking with her about donating his organs. But, one of the pastors from our church told Janae only God is able to decide when someone's life is over. They prayed for her son. Friends and family from around the world prayed for her son and God answered their prayers in an amazing way - her son, who the doctors said was definitely dead, came back to life! This is a powerful Faith and Prayer History! In my book Janae shared her powerful, true history of how God answered prayer and worked in her family - The DNA of Grandparents & Parents who Hand Down the Faith is definitely not boring!

Mark your calendar and plan to get your free Kindle copy of The DNA of Grandparents & Parents who Hand Down the Faith next Monday, on October, 7th and please tell the grandparents and parents you know, so they are able to get their free Kindle copy at this link, too.

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