But, my most productive years for God may still be ahead of me -(my husband and I have a few more years to go before retirement). I am so encouraged and challenged by this. I know the amount of time, work, and effort I have put into my family and Children's Ministry over the years, but retirement does not mean being effective for God is in my past. No! Not at all! It means the opposite. My most productive years for God are still ahead of me as I hand down a confident faith to my grandchildren, and continue to do so with my children, so the generations who follow will be impacted as well.
As you know, I have been working on a new series of books to help grandparents and parents hand down a confident faith. Dr. Tim and Darcy Kimmel have been so kind to look them over and shared their endorsement with me yesterday. They said . . .
"Lynda has a winner here and she’s done all the hard work to provide us parents and grandparents with an incredible tool to build the faith of our legacy. These beautiful and educational books will equip us to fulfill God’s mandate in Psalm 71 to 'declare God’s power to the next generation, His might to all who are to come'."

confident faith - book one is available in our bookstore, book two will be soon, and book three and four are starting to come together. Please also consider asking your church to make this resource available to the families in your church at a significant savings - you will find out about this at the following link.
If you have retired, or are getting closer to doing so, do not give up. You are not finished with being productive for God. Not at all. God has your most important work ahead of you as you hand a confident faith to your children, grandchildren, possibly great-grandchildren, and impact generations yet to be born. We will not see, on this Earth, the impact and what all God will do with these most productive years we still have, but we are able to trust He will not waste them. We must not waste them either, so do not give them up!
#grandmas #handingdownaconfidentfaith #itmatterswhatwedo #grandparentingonpurpose
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