
Hand Down the Faith with Generations Quest!

One of the things I want to do is let you know about resources which will help you hand down the faith to your grandchildren. Today I want to let you know about a new resource you could use to hand down the faith by getting your grandchildren to read the Bible with you - no matter their age or location - and invite you to try it for a month!

Generations Quest will be launching in a few weeks, but I do have one month available for you to try for free. The idea is simple. Each day you, your children and grandchildren all read a few verses and think about a question or two. Once or twice a month you connect - in person, over the phone, on-line - however works for you - to talk about what you all are learning.

Each month you also receive a Bible background and ideas of ways to hand down faith to your grandchildren - young and old, near and far. Once it launches in a few weeks, a year of resources is just $15 - and grandparents are welcome to share it with their children and grandchildren; parents are welcome to share it with their children, making it a great buy as well as an effective tool for handing down the faith!

Email me at and I'll be happy to email you the May schedule, so you will be able to give it a try!   #grandmas #handingdownthefaith #itmatterswhatwedo #grandparentingonpurpose

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