
Please Join My Launch Team

A few months back I invited you to join my Launch Team as I prepared to re-launch an updated version of my book; It is Impossible to Spoil Grandchildren. But then, as life is known to do from time-to-time, I became very busy and the re-launch was moved to a "back burner". Happily, I am ready to try once again to "re-launch" my book and am inviting you to join my Launch Team!

If you told me before you would like to be on my Launch Team, please let me know if you would still like to be part of the team. If you thought about being part of the team last time, but didn't let me know, please feel free to do so now. If you did not know about the Launch Team last time, but would like to be part of the team this time, again, please let me know!

Being part of my Launch Team is easy; if you want to be part of the Launch Team and do not already have the digital copy of the book, I will email it to you. Please look it over and let me know what you think - what you like, what you do not like. I may share some of your comments in the final copy of the book. And, as the "Launch" moves forward, please share with people you know about this book. This is all there is to it! 

So, let's try this again - would you like to be part of my Launch Team? (Oh, and what do you think of the new cover?)

#grandmas #handingdownthefaith #itmatterswhatwedo #grandparentingonpurpose

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