
Hand Down the Faith for Free with Generations Quest Cultivate the Faith!

Handing down the faith tends to be something which we look forward to doing and enjoy, or something which leaves us feeling confused and unable to do effectively. Well, no matter which of these describes you, I am very happy today to let you know about a resource which gives you 52 lessons, complete with science projects, crafts and cooking activities to engage the children you love while also helping them learn about real people from the Bible, how those Bible people chose to walk with God and how they are able to do the same. This resource is called Generations Quest Cultivate the Faith! and today through Friday the kindle version is free at this link!

Make 2020 a Year of Handing Down the Faith Intentionally with Your FREE Kindle Copy of Generations Quest Cultivate the Faith!

When we hand down the faith, we watch for those unplanned opportunities to connect life with God, His Word and how we are able to know and walk with Him. But, we also need to plan opportunities to do these things in a very intentional and purposeful way as well. 

This is where Generations Quest Cultivate the Faith! comes in. This book provides you with 52 intentional, purposeful lessons complete with science projects, crafts, cooking along with Bible lessons, time to work with a prayer journal and teach your grandchildren/children why they are able to believe in God and trust His Word with confidence. I wrote this book to have something I would be able to use to engage my active grandsons in learning how to know, love and walk with God and I am so happy to let you know next week - December 23-27, 2019 you are able to download the Kindle copy of it for FREE!

Christmas 2019 - Praying Deeper Through the Psalms for Children - I'm Giving One Away December 1, 2019

You may have been wondering where my Christmas Picks were for this year . . . well, wonder no more. Each day for the next couple weeks, I will be sharing with you some items I highly recommend as gifts for the ones you love. I'm starting with a book written by me and my grandsons - because I really believe it is more than just a book; it is a tool to help your grandchildren ages four through 14 learn to know and talk with God for themselves and because it takes about ten days to get it once you order it, so if you want the print/journal versions, you will need to place your orders soon to have them in time for Christmas.

Praying Deeper Through the Psalms for Children is unique in two ways; first, it is specifically written and developed for children ages four through 14 to help them learn to pray by praying the Psalms back to God and secondly, my grandsons collaborated with me on developing, writing this book and by providing most of the illustrations!

The initial idea I (Lynda Freeman) had for this book was to write a resource to help my grandsons learn to be people who talked with God; so I took the reading schedule from my book; Praying Deeper Through the Psalms for Grandparents & Parents, Too! and used it to form the basis for the book for children. Each week's passage in the children's book, matches the passage for the week in the book for grandparents and parents - making it a wonderful resource for families to use to read and pray through the Psalms for a year as children use this book and grandparents and parents us the other. Can you just imagine what it would be like to do this with the children you love?!

Each week's passage in Praying Deeper Through the Psalms for Children is written into three, age-level "nutshell prayers" . . . one with simple images non-readers will be able to learn and "read" so they are able to pray the Psalms, a simple prayer for beginning readers and a bit longer prayer for older children who read well. This is a book which you are truly able to give to your grandchildren/children ages four through 14. Look what people are saying about it . . .

Free on Kindle - Praying Deeper Through the Psalms for Grandparents & Parents, Too!

In four days, on November 25, 2019, you will be able to download for free your kindle copy of Praying Deeper Through the Psalms for Grandparents & Parents, Too! This book will guide you in praying passages in Psalms for yourself and for the people you love for 52 weeks. It makes an excellent book to add to your intentional grandparenting/ parenting resources as well as a gift which makes a difference for the parents and grandparents on your gift list. And, if you give the children on your gift list Praying Deeper Through the Psalms for Children, you will all be able to pray together through the Psalms for an entire year - what an amazing year this would be fore sure!

Christmas Resources Which Make a Difference - Don't Worry; It is Impossible to Spoil Grandchildren

Today I am very happy to share with you another book written by one of the Grandmas with Heart which makes an excellent addition to your intentional grandparenting "tool box" as well as a great Christmas gift for the parents, grandparents and church leaders you know. Don't Worry; It is Impossible to Spoil Grandchildren is written by me, Lynda Freeman.

If you have been reading this blog for very long, you know I LOVE being a grandma and I find great delight and joy in spending time with my three grandsons. In Don't Worry; It is Impossible to Spoil GrandchildrenI write about how important it is to hand down a heritage of faith to our grandchildren. I write about not being afraid to love our grandchildren with our all - we will NOT spoil them if we do.

If we are grandparents, we may think our "job" is over, since we raised our own children. But our "job" is not over. IF we have grandchildren and want them to make the choice to love, know and walk with Jesus, we need to be focused and intentional when it comes to helping them understand how much Jesus loves them and they are able to love Him back. In 
Don't Worry; It is Impossible to Spoil Grandchildren, you will find ideas, Scripture prayers, the thoughts of a grandma and her commitment to see her grandsons choose to love, know and follow Jesus as well as encouragement for you to love your grandchildren unconditionally, with all your heart the same way God loves you. When you follow His example of how to love, you will not need to be afraid of spoiling your own grandchildren. Look at what people have had to say about Don't Worry; It is Impossible to Spoil Grandchildren . . .

God Has a Purpose for His Word - Make 2020 the Year You & Your Family Discover it Together

God has a purpose for everything - snow and rain water the earth, so plants grow and food is harvested. His Word comes from Him and has a purpose; which He promises will be accomplished. What are God's purposes for His Word? Well . . . 

Praying Deeper Through the Psalms for Children is Available and WILL Make a Difference

I am so happy to be able to let you know the new book, Praying Deeper Through the Psalms for Children, is now available! My three grandsons collaborated with me and illustrated this book so, as my middle grandson says: "children will use it and learn how to talk with God.

As Christian grandmas (and grandpas/parents, too) we want to hand down the faith. We want the ones we love to learn to read God's word, learn to pray, learn how to develop their own walk with God, but often we wonder how to do this. We look for resources to help us and happily, now there are many available for us (just scroll down and look at the right side of this blog to see the resources written/developed by some of the Grandmas with Heart), but this book, Praying Deeper Through the Psalms for Children is unique in how it is written/designed as a tool for you to use with the children you love.

Praying Deeper Through the Psalms for Grandparents & Parents, Too! Free Kindle Copy November 25-29, 2019

Two weeks from now you will be able to download your free Kindle copy of Praying Deeper Through the Psalms for Grandparents & Parents, Too! This book will guide you through 52 weeks of praying through the Psalms for your own walk with God and for the ones you love as well. It is an excellent tool for you to use to help you in your walk and makes a great Christmas gift for the parents and grandparents you know.

Christmas Gifts Which Make a Difference - Praying Deeper Through the Psalms for Children

I am so very happy to let you know about an unique resource; Praying Deeper Through the Psalms for Children. This book is unique in two ways; first, it is specifically written and developed for children ages four through 14 to help them learn to pray by praying the Psalms back to God and secondly, my grandsons collaborated with me on developing, writing this book and by providing most of the illustrations!

Get Your Free Kindle Copy Today

Today, October 7, 2019 through Friday, October 11, 2019 you are able to get for free the Kindle copy of my new book - The DNA of Grandparents & Parents who Hand Down the Faith. You will find it at this link - please download your free copy and tell the parents and grandparents you know, so they are able to get a copy for free as well.

Get Your Free Kindle Copy of The DNA of Grandparents & Parents who Hand Down the Faith

One week from today on October 7, 2019 you will be able to receive your own Kindle copy of my new book - The DNA of Grandparents & Parents who Hand Down the Faith. In this book I look at what it takes to develop a walk of faith, how to live as someone whose faith is real and ways to reproduce and hand down the faith to the generations who come behind you. I wrote about people from the Bible, people from time and people from today and how they did these things to develop a strong Spiritual DNA. Look at some of the things people are saying about my book!

One of the people I wrote about is a friend, Janae Dean. She shared with me what happened a couple years ago when her son became extremely ill. The doctors and all the tests said he was brain dead and they were talking with her about donating his organs. But, one of the pastors from our church told Janae only God is able to decide when someone's life is over. They prayed for her son. Friends and family from around the world prayed for her son and God answered their prayers in an amazing way - her son, who the doctors said was definitely dead, came back to life! This is a powerful Faith and Prayer History! In my book Janae shared her powerful, true history of how God answered prayer and worked in her family - The DNA of Grandparents & Parents who Hand Down the Faith is definitely not boring!

Mark your calendar and plan to get your free Kindle copy of The DNA of Grandparents & Parents who Hand Down the Faith next Monday, on October, 7th and please tell the grandparents and parents you know, so they are able to get their free Kindle copy at this link, too.

Hand Down the Faith with Praying Deeper Through the Psalms for Children

When I was a child I always received books as part of my birthday and Christmas gifts from my parents. When I became a parent, my children always received books as part of their birthday and Christmas gifts from their dad and me. Now I am a grandma and my grandchildren receive a lot of books from their poppa and me. Books make wonderful gifts - any time of the year and for any special time . . . or to make any time special.

So, with Christmas just three months from today (yes, just three months from today) I would like to encourage you to consider purchasing a special book which will help the children you love learn to pray the Psalms and journal their prayers for themselves. This book - Praying Deeper Through the Psalms for Children - will help you hand down the faith to the children you love and it will be released in October. 

You are Absolutely Able to Make a Difference

October 7-11, 2019 you will be able to download the Kindle copy of my new book - The DNA of Grandparents & Parents who Hand Down the Faith for free. In this book I look at how just like with our physical DNA which gives us the code we need to develop, live and reproduce, we are able to have a "spiritual DNA" where we develop a faith of our own, live as people of faith and reproduce by handing down the faith. To do this I looked at people from the Bible, people from time and people from today who developed, lived and reproduced a strong Spiritual DNA.

Two of the people from time whose stories I share in my book are Fanny and Eunice Crosby. You are likely familiar with Fanny Crosby - she wrote more than 9000 hymns - yes, more than 9000 - many of which we still sing in our churches today; such as Blessed Assurance and To God be the Glory. Fanny was blind and since her dad died when she was a baby and her mom had to work, she was mostly raised by her grandma, Eunice, who had her memorizing five chapter from the Bible every week - yes, every week! By the time she was fifteen she had memorized the Pentateuch, the Gospels, Proverbs, the Song of Solomon, and many Psalms; there is a reason her hymns were so solid, Biblically. And, stop and think for a moment. Since Fanny was blind, for her to memorize five chapters from the Bible a week, someone had to read those chapters to her. Someone had to spend the time necessary to help her memorize. This someone was her grandma.

Get Your Free Kindle Copy of The DNA of Grandparents & Parents Who Hand Down the Faith

I am so happy to announce the release and the Kindle copy giveaway of my new book - The DNA of Grandparents & Parents Who Hand Down the Faith. In this book I look at how our physical DNA is a truly amazing and essential part of who we are, as it holds the "code" or instructions for the things which make us unique as well as for the things we share. It connects us with the generations who came before us; as well as with those who come behind. It is the core of who we are physically. 

Yes, our physical DNA tells our cells and bodies how to Develop, Live and Reproduce, but let's think for a moment about another type of "DNA". A Spiritual DNA. More specifically, our "Faith and Prayer DNA". What are a, "Faith and Prayer DNA" you ask? Well, just as our physical DNA provides the code for how our bodies develop, live and reproduce, our "Faith and Prayer DNA" gives us the code or instructions which help us learn to develop a strong walk of faith, live as people who believe and reproduce by handing down to our children and our children's children a strong and healthy walk of faith. 

The DNA of Grandparents & Parents Who Hand Down the Faith will introduce you to people from the Bible - including Hannah, David, Jeremiah, Elisha, Jesus, Job, Joseph, the Kings of Judah, the Prodigal Son's Father and our own Heavenly Father, people from time - such as George Muller, Billy Graham, Fanny & Eunice Crosby, Elisabeth Elliot, Joni, Corrie Ten Boom, Martin & Katherine Luther, Charles Spurgeon and Dwigh L. Moody and people from today - including my friends Teresa Holmgren who shared how God answered her prayers for a child and then for a grandchild, Brad Burkhead who shared what it is like when your grown children and grandchildren move to Africa to be missionaries, my friend Ragaee Daniel shared how God saved him from an Egyptian prison, and my friend Janae Dean shared the powerful account of how God gave life back to her son when he was dead; all these accounts show us what it looked like for them to develop this strong and healthy "Faith and Prayer DNA". It also looks at how you are able to hand down the faith to the children you love in a way which will positively impact the generations who come behind you.

Mark your calendars and please, please tell every grandparent and parent you know - October 7-11, 2019 you will be able to get the Kindle copy of my new book - The DNA of Grandparents & Parents Who Hand Down the Faith - for FREE! Look what people are saying - 

Get Your Free Kindle Copy of Generations Quest - Cultivate the Faith!

Today, September 2, 2019, through Friday, September 6, 2019, you are able to download the Kindle version of Generations Quest - Cultivate the Faith! . . . completely for free! It is our Grandparents Day gift to you - whether you are a grandparent or parent!

Please feel free to get your free copy and then plan to use it over the coming year as you hand down the faith. You will find 52 Bible adventures with science projects and activities written to provide you the tools you need to sit down with the children you love to focus upon handing down the faith.

It is Impossible to Spoil Grandchildren - Kindle Copy Available for Free

I am very happy to say,  It is Impossible to Spoil Grandchildren   is available on Kindle for you to get your own copy for until July 11, 2019! If you are a grandparent, parent, aunt, uncle or someone who works with children, this book is for you.

For years I have written Sunday school curriculum, children's storybooks and Bible Adventures. Curriculum; these types of books come easy to me and I have had the privilege to write for publishers and magazines (curriculum for VeggieTales, SuperBook, Calvary Church Grand Rapids, Deeper in 4 Children and the Manner's Mentor as well as articles for Children's Ministry Magazine, Christianity Today's Your Church Magazine and Legacy Coalition).

Get Your Own Free Kindle Copy of Science, the Bible & Fun!

My grandsons are enjoying the start of their Summer Vacation - I have three happy boys who will be at my house tomorrow. Throughout the Summer, my grandsons will be at my house for at least two days during the week while their parents are at work - and for either their Friday or Saturday night sleepover as well. I am a very blessed grandma.

While I want their Summer break to be a time where they are able to relax, play outside (I live in the country and my house is on a acre, so I have lots of room for them to run and play), there are days when it rains (I live in Michigan and it can be rainy here) and times when they may need help thinking of something to do with their time. It is in times such as these when my book, Science, the Bible & Fun, comes in handy.

Summer Fun & Learning

Will you have grandchildren spending time with you this Summer? Or, are you a mom who is looking at Summer vacation nearly here and wondering what you might do with the children you love? Well, wonder no more! In just four days my book, Science the Bible and Fun will be available for you to download for free on Kindle - yes, for free!

Free on Kindle - Pray the Scriptures

Today, April 26, 2019 is the day my book - Deeper In 4 Grandparents & Parents, Too! Praying the Scriptures for the Children You Love - Psalms Edition becomes available for free as a Kindle copy. Yes, from April 26-30, 2019 it will be free on Kindle.

This book provides you with 52 weeks of Scripture prayers from the Book of Psalms which have been personalized for you to pray for yourself and for the ones you love.

Set Your Clocks Ahead and Hand Down the Faith

Just a reminder . . . this Sunday, March 10, 2019, at 2am (or if you are like us, before we go to bed on Saturday night) we get to set our clocks forward one hour. While we "lose" an hour of sleep, we gain more daylight time. Consider some of the following ways we might use this additional daylight time to hand down the faith . . .

Resources for You & Your Help Would Be Sincerely Appreciated

One of the things the grandmas who are part of my other blog, Grandmas with Heart, are committed to doing is to help provide resources which will encourage, equip and empower grandmas - and grandpas and parents, too - as they hand down the faith.  Several of us have books we have written, or are working on which do exactly this.

Get Your Free Kindle Copy of Deeper In 4 Grandparents & Parents, Too - Mini Edition

January 4-8, 2019 you are invited to get your free Kindle copy of Deeper in 4 Grandparents & Parents, Too! Praying the Scriptures for the Children You Love - Mini EditionWith this book you will find 12 weeks of Scripture prayers which guide you in praying specifically for God's Word to be shown in your own life and the lives of the children you love! 

Winter Reading - AND Family Fun - the Life on the Goldilocks Planet books

  From time to time I post about my Life on the Goldilocks Planet books as they make fantastic books for the entire family to enjoy. Today I...