
Jesus was NOT Boring - Why are We?

Why is it so many of our Children's Ministries are committed to boring the socks off the children in their ministries? Well, they may not be "committed" to boring children, but they are not committed to engaging them. When we insist on teaching children by having them sit and listen as we "yak" at them, then we are boring them and we end up leaving them with these utterly false beliefs  - Jesus and the Bible are boring. This leads to children choosing to leave church as soon as they are possibly able to do so. Oh yes. We pay an extremely high price when we insist on teaching by talking and not by engaging.

Praying Deeper Through the Psalms - Children's Edition

If we want the children we love to learn to walk closely with God, they need to learn to talk with Him. Praying Deeper Through the Psalms - Children's Edition is designed to help children - preschool through Middle School age - learn to do exactly this by praying the Psalms back to God. In this book you will find 52 weeks of Scripture prayers from the Book of Psalms and space for children to record their own prayer requests and how God answers. With Praying Deeper Through the Psalms - Children's Edition the children you love will learn how to talk with God - and will make their way through the Book of Psalms a thoughtful way as well.

Our October Book of the Month - Don't Worry; It is Impossible to Spoil Grandchildren

One big thing we are able to do to equip ourselves when it comes to handing down confident faith is for us to build a library of resources which encourage and empower us. Today I am happy to share with you our October book of the month - Don't Worry; It is Impossible to Spoil Grandchildren.

Learn About Your "Faith & Prayer DNA"

Our DNA is a truly amazing and essential part of who we are, as it holds the "code" or instructions for the things which make us unique as well as for the things we share. It connects us with the generations who came before us; as well as with those who come behind. It is the core of who we are physically. 

Be Equipped to Influence the Ones You Love

 I have wonderful news . . . I have finally been able to reduce the cost of the print books for the "Life on the 'Goldilocks Planet'"  curriculum/book series! I am limited by the printing costs, but have been able to reduce the price for the print book by $4.50 for the Amazon book and by $5.00 for the print copies I sell in my  bookstore by reformatting them and changing the size! The content is still the same.

Your Most Productive Years are Ahead of You

I am challenged by this quote from Tim and Darcy Kimmel - particularly the part which says too many of us grandparents never figure out our most productive years for the Kingdom of God may be ahead of us when we retire. I don't know about you, but I have been a "busy bee" most of my adult life serving in Children's Ministries, teaching Children's Ministry leaders/ volunteers across the country how to be effective in teaching and engaging children about Jesus and being a mom who wanted to hand down the faith to my children and now a grandma who wants to hand down a confident faith to my grandchildren.

Teach the Whys & Help Your Grandchildren Develop a Confident Faith

Okay, I know I have been posting a fair amount about my new book - Blue Dragons, Red Pandas, Hoopoes & More! Please bear with me today as I share a bit more about it - and a way for you to save money on the book or even get a digital copy for free!

As I wrote on my other blog today ( it absolutely is essential for us to tell the ones we love the "whys" - why we are able to believe God is real and trust the Bible with confidence. If we do not, we run the terrible risk of the day coming when they turn away from their faith. This is happening more and more to families across our country - maybe even to your family. If we do not equip the ones we love with solid reasons for why they are able to believe, when difficulties come there way they may turn from their faith. But, when we equip them with the "whys", we are helping them develop a confident faith.

My Book Store is Open

I have wonderful news! I now have a Book Store on this blog where you are able to get digital/pdf copies of books and resources to help you hand down the faith for just $5 each title! This means you will be able to get books and resources to equip you and use with the children you love to hand down the faith for less than you might spend at a fast-food restaurant.

Winter Reading - AND Family Fun - the Life on the Goldilocks Planet books

  From time to time I post about my Life on the Goldilocks Planet books as they make fantastic books for the entire family to enjoy. Today I...