
Get Your Own Kindle Copy of Don't Worry: It is Impossible to Spoil Grandchildren for Just .99 Cents!

You are now able to download your Kindle copy of my book; Don't Worry: It is Impossible to Spoil Grandchildren  for just .99 cents! This book is filled with my own stories about my grandsons as well as with Scripture and ideas to use with your grandchildren as you hand down confident faith; such as this one from Chapter Four - We All Want to Be Found . . .

Pray a Scripture blessing for your grandchildren. This could be one passage which remains your blessing throughout your grandchildren’s lives, or as God puts a new passage on your heart and mind, you could switch it out from time to time. We have had three passages so far which have been our Scripture blessings. We pray one together at meals and bedtime – when they are at our home for sleepovers each week. It is a very powerful thing to have a Scripture blessing which you speak over your grandchildren and into their lives. It is very powerful to be a grandparent who speaks Scripture blessings over your grandchildren when they arrive to and leave your home, over the phone or even email to them. Consider using this "paraphrase" of Psalm 92 
As you go through this day (or tomorrow) may your eyes see all the great things God does for you and how much He loves and thinks about you; remember and tell about His love for you and His faithfulness all day long. May your heart be filled with joy and praise to God for all He does for you! Keep on growing and bear fruit all your life, so even when you are old, you will be fresh and able to say how God is your Rock and all He does is good and right!
I also want to share a couple more comments from people who have read It is Impossible to Spoil Grandchildren . . .  
I really enjoyed your examples in It Is Impossible to Spoil Grandchildren as I could relate to them in a personal way. Although they were not the same experiences, it brought to mind our experiences and on turn, brought a smile to my face. I love your optimism as it is intertwined through the pages. I believe "open eyes" is what we truly must pray.                         
Lori Layne; Mom of six, Grandma to 14 & Missionary with Pilots for Christ
It Is Impossible to Spoil Grandchildren is filled with reminders to take each conversation with grandkids seriously and not be flippant or careless about what we say to them. It is good to be challenged on what kind of legacy are we choosing to leave. I like your post-it note action items and your follow-up questions which cause the reader to apply what they have learned.      
Carla Boon-Julian Mom, Grandma of eight & Calvary Church Children’s Ministry
Don't Worry: It is Impossible to Spoil Grandchildren will bring a smile to your face and give you ideas to try with the children you love as well. So, get your copy of Don't Worry: It is Impossible to Spoil Grandchildren today and please share this post with the grandparents and parents you know so they are able to do the same!

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