
Resources to Help You Pass on Your Faith - Deeper In - Praying the Scriptures for the Children You Love

Today I want to share two books with you which you could use to help you pass faith to your grandchildren.  I'm happy to let you know about Praying Deeper Through the Old Testament - the goals of this book are . . .

  • Help grandparents/ parents faithfully pray each and every day for the children they love.
  • Guide them to pray Scriptures for themselves and for their grandchildren and children.
  • Help them be people who pray more deeply, more focused and more effectively. 
This book provides 52 weeks of Old Testament prayers - each week's passage is divided into seven days, so you pray a passage every day for week. Each passage also has questions to help you think through how it applies in your own life and questions to help you think about praying it for yourself and your grandchildren/children.

I am the author of  Praying Deeper Through the Old Testament for Grandparents & Parents, Too!, but I want you to know what others are saying about this book . . .
There is nothing more important Christian grandparents can do than to pray daily for their grandchildren. And what better way to pray than to pray through God’s prayer book, the Psalms. Whenever you pray Scripture back to God, you can be assured you are praying for His will to be done. Praying Deeper Through the Old Testament for Grandparents & Parents, Too! is a wonderful resource for all of us grandparents who want to pray more effectively for our grandkids.”   
Wayne Rice - Dad of three, Grandpa of five; Co-founder of Youth Specialties, Director of Conferences for the Legacy Coalition, & Author of Generation to Generation 
This is a fantastic resource. With easy to follow instructions, this book creates an environment where grandparents – and parents - can actively and regularly pray for their grandchildren /children. I am excited to see generations change as a result of investing in this rich spiritual discipline. 
Matthew Guevara - Dad of four; Executive Director of International Network of Children’s Ministry
Lynda Freeman is a prayer warrior, firmly grounded in her love for Christ. Coupling her passion for God’s Word with her commitment to prayer, she has constructed this remarkable step-by-step guide for praying the Old Testament. The structure of this devotion is simple and user friendly.  One passage of Scripture is assigned per week. This allows God’s Word to marinate as He reveals His message to the reader.  The questions and prayer which accompany each passage are insightful; at times challenging. In a world muddied by lies, half-truths at best, it is imperative parents and grandparents return to their knees. We need to implore God to save the hearts of our children, grandchildren and future generations. Lynda Freeman offers a simple, but profound guide to help her readers accomplish this goal. She says it best with the following words: ‘Praying is not a last resort, it is our everyday plan.’
Sherry Schumann - Mom of three, Grandma of three; Legacy Coalition Staff, & Author of The Christmas Bracelet  
Lynda provides an excellent tool for grandparents and parents to help them dig into God’s Word and develop a rich prayer life through the Scriptures.  Praying Deeper Through the Old Testament for Grandparents & Parents, Too! is very practical in providing a guide to help grandparents and parents discover the richness of Scripture in a variety of ways and the beauty of a consistent prayer ministry for their grandchildren.  As a grandparent of five wonderful grandchildren, this book has encouraged me to ‘dig deeper’ for their sake and His Glory.
Jim Dahl - Dad of two, Grandpa of five; Children’s Pastor at Neighborhood Church, Pastor at Cow Creek Community Church, & Regional Liaison Manager for the California Board of Equalization

Praying Deeper Through the Old Testament for Grandparents & Parents, Too! is a great tool for us grandparents. I especially like the way it leads us into introspection and contemplation by asking a ton of questions . . . now if we can just slow down enough to allow those to work.
Kevin Salsbury - Dad of three, Grandpa of six; Music Teacher, & Pastor Comins Mennonite Church 
I liked Lynda's book very much.  I think the material is desperately needed by grandparents and parents.  I know of a number of grandma's who would love to have it right now."                                                                         Catherine Jacobs - Mom of four, Grandma of four; Legacy Coalition Staff, Founder and Executive Director of Pass the Legacy Ministry, & Author of Seven Keys for “Salty” Grandparenting

I like the content of Praying Deeper Through the Old Testament for Grandparents & Parents, Too! and I love Lynda’s passion for grandparenting.” 
Tom Olsson - Dad of three; Associate Pastor at Calvary Grand Rapids

Take the power of praying the words of Scripture and Praying Deeper Through the Old Testament for Grandparents & Parents, Too! and you have a recipe for blessing your children and grandchildren. This book is a wonderful tool to help all those who desire to cover their loved ones in prayer
Glenys Nellist - Mom of four, Grandma of four; Children's Ministry Coordinator, West MI Conference UMC, & Author of; Love Letters from God, Little Love Letters from God, & Snuggle Time Prayers
This book from Lynda Freeman is an excellent tool to help grandparents and parents grow in their own walk, so they can lead the children they love further into the truths found in the Bible!  Praying Deeper Through the Old Testament for Grandparents & Parents, Too! will help you form simple, heart felt prayers with your grandchildren /children.  By praying Scripture back to God, we can expand our thinking and grow in our walk with Him. ”                                     Faye Ann BristolMom of five, Grandma of 12 & Great-grandma of three (my mom!) 
Praying Deeper Through the Old Testament for Grandparents & Parents, Too! is a compass for all praying grandparents and parents to help strengthen and equip their families to navigate life's troubled waters in this time of moral upheaval and uncertainty, while standing firmly on God's Word.”                                                                 Loretta Baughan; Mom of three & Author of Spaniel Journal & Clarence & Faye (my sister!) 
“I'm a grandmother of four beautiful grandchildren from my two daughters. I found Lynda's blog through a Google search one day not long after I became a new grandmother. I've followed her since and have been richly blessed by her love for the Word of the Lord and her own grandchildren. She has taught me so many wonderful ways to pass on my Faith to my own grandchildren. This book is a wonderful addition to any grandparent’s library. It not only is a book of prayers to pray for your grandchildren, it is a wonderful weekly Bible study made simple for busy grandmother's. It is broken down into daily prayer and study which makes it very doable. A feature I was thrilled to see as I am a caregiving grandma. Wonderful book!”                                             Terri Conner;  Mom to two & Grandma to four (one of the original readers of grandma's cookie jar!) 
After reading Praying Deeper Through the Old Testament for Grandparents & Parents, Too!my commitment to pray for my grandson has deepened.  It is so important in today's busy and hectic world, in which our grandchildren are growing up, we, as Christian grandparents, pray not only for our grandchildren, but for our grown children as well.            I grew up without Grandparents and know the void I felt when others around me talked about their relationships with their grandparents.  I longed for this as a child.  So, now I have the opportunity to invest in my grandson's life, and am taking full advantage of it!
Having a well written Bible study/prayer book to refer to will give me an awesome opportunity to connect with our Loving and Wonderful Father in Heaven as I commit to an ongoing, structured prayer life for my grandson, my sons and for myself as well.
I have known Lynda Freeman for over 30 years, as she is my wonderful sister-in-law!  Our children are very close in age, so we were parenting at the same time, even though distance kept us apart, as we live in California and Lynda and her husband David live in Michigan. We both saw the love of our spouses’ parents for their grandchildren; it is a relationship my sons, now 31 and 29 years of age, consider to be PRICELESS. I now have the opportunity to have this kind of relationship with my grandson.  
Lynda, I want to say, thank you, for writing this wonderful book encouraging grandparents across the street and around the Nation to pray for our grandchildren, to lift them up in prayer, and to love them unconditionally. I know this book will make a change in my prayer life for my grandson, and pray it will make a difference in yours as well.”             Curtis ChipleyDad to two Papa to the one and only, Parker!" (my brother-in-law!)
This book is a wonderful tool and encouragement to be faithful in prayer for the next generations! Lynda will slow you down to meditate on God’s Word and then guide you to much more thoughtfully pray it back to our gracious Lord, so we, our children and grandchildren will live completely for Him. I highly recommend it!”                                    Susan Sorenson: Mom of two, Pastoral Staff/Women’s Ministries at Calvary & Co-Author of Praying Through Cancer  
"There is an old Arabic proverb which says, 'If you don't have a grandparent in the house, go buy one.' Whether grandchildren live close by or far away, grandparents have a sacred trust to become prayer warriors for them. Lynda Freeman's book, rooted in Scripture, provides guidelines to help grandparents carry out their trust. Even grandparents who pray regularly for their grandchildren will discover how to make the practice more meaningful. I loved this book!"
Nancy SamraMom of three & Grandma of 11 
Lynda has delivered a gem in her book for grandparents and parents. In Praying Deeper Through the Old Testament for Grandparents & Parents, Too! she gives practical direction with laser focus on what and how to pray for the children in our lives . . .week by week, day by day. Lynda shares in the introduction: ‘As grandparents /parents we must be serious about praying; spending time with our God every day, because we must love, know and walk with God faithfully if we ever want our grandchildren/children to do so. Prayer must be a priority for us, if it ever will be for them.’ This book is not just a book of prayers. It is full of insightful comment, deep questions to ask about your own walk and guided, focused prayer. It will transform your own prayer life and challenge you in your walk with God as you set the example and pray for the children you love in your lives.”
Kevin Troupe;  Dad of five, Director Food Services at Calvary & Author of Strength to Care
Check it out and get Praying Deeper Through the Old Testament for Grandparents & Parents, Too! to help your pray deeper for your grandchildren!

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