For the past couple days I have been sharing with you about the new Life on the Goldilocks Planet Created "Just Right"! books - today I'm happy to let you know about two more in the series all children will enjoy, but which is especially perfect for children ages three through seven - Created "Just Right" - Look at Our Many Feathered Friends! and Created "Just Right" - Look What's Swimming in the Sea!
Created "Just Right" - Look at Our Many Feathered Friends! and Created "Just Right" - Look What's Swimming in the Sea!
Created "Just Right" - Look What Lives in Asia! & Created "Just Right" - Look What Lives in Africa! - Get Your Copies Today!
Yesterday I wrote about two of the "Created 'Just Right'" books (Look What Lives in the Americas & Europe!, and Look What Lives in Australia & New Zealand!) Today I'm happy to let you know about two more books in the series - Look What Lives in Asia! and Look What Lives in Africa!
"Created 'Just Right'" - Look What Lives in the Americas & Europe and Look What Lives in Australia & New Zealand - Get Your Copies Today!
If you are looking for a series of books for the younger children in your life (ages three through seven), then check out the "Created Just Right" books!
Make the Most of Being a Grandparent with The DNA of Grandparents & Parents Who Hand Down Confident Faith
If you are looking for a book to help a parent or grandparent you love make the most of handing down confident faith, consider this book - The DNA of Grandparents & Parents Who Hand Down Confident Faith.
Make the Most of Being a Grandparent with the Praying Deeper Books
As we continue to look at resources which are available for parents and grandparents to use to help them pass on a heritage of confident faith to the children they love, I am delighted to share with you three books which will guide grandparents - and parents, too - in praying every day for the children they love! In the interests of transparency, I wrote these books.
Make the Most of Being a Grandparent - Don't Worry: It Is Impossible to Spoil Grandchildren
I've been writing for several years about how important it is for us, as grandparents to hand down a heritage of confident faith. One way I do this is to let you know about resources to help you as you do this. This week I'll be sharing resources with you which you could read and use to hand down confident faith to your grandchildren!
Resources to Help You Hand Down Confident Faith
Do you know which animal is a fearless and ferocious predator? All of these animals are in my final book - book twelve - in my Life on the Goldilocks Planet series - Grasshopper Mice, Laughing Kookaburra, Jawfish & More!
The Most Important Thing
Yes, one of these three animals actually smells like popcorn! Share the photo with your family and see if they are able to answer the question.
While there are many important things for us to do as grandmas (grandpas/parents, too), the most important thing is for us to hand down confident faith. Yes, we absolutely must teach the ones we love the "whats" - what the Bible says and therefore what we believe, but if we want them to have a confident faith, we must also teach them the "whys" - why they are able to believe God is real, the Bible is true, God and science go together, and God is good.
Engage the Children You Love this Winter & Hand Down Confident Faith
There is strong evidence and there are solid reasons for us to believe God is real, the Bible is true, God and science DO go together, and God is good - we need to teach these "whys" to the children we love so they are able to have a confident faith.
Hand Down Confident Faith with the Life on the Goldilocks Planet Books - and Have Fun Doing So!
I've been writing about my Life on the Goldilocks Planet book series and how they are a fantastic way to help you hand down confident faith from the youngest ages and teach the children you love how God is real and God and science DO go together. All of us, but especially children, love to learn about interesting animals and these books are filled with animals - many of which you may never have heard of before, and which will surprise you with the fun facts, help you learn with the quotes from scientists, and engage you all with activities everyone will enjoy!
Teach the "Whys" this Winter & Have Fun Doing So!
We know we (parents/ grandparents/church) must teach the "whats" - what the Bible says and therefore what we believe, but just as important as it is to do this, it is equally as important to teach the "whys" - why we are able to believe God is real, the Bible is true, God and science DO go together, and God is good. If we do not teach the "whys" we run the very real risk the young people we love will turn away from their faith - as Barna's studies show this is actually happening.
Get Ready for an Adventure!
Have you ever heard of a Blue Dragon? Have you ever heard of an Okapi, or a Pangolin, or a Civet, or a Kakapo, or a Quetzal, or a Chevrotain, or a Binturong, or a Mimic Octopus? Did you know there were such animals as Pygmy Elephants, Pygmy Rhinos, Pygmy Hippos, and Tree Kangaroos? Do you know the surprising things about Giant Clams and Peacock Mantis Shrimp? Do you know how all these animals and 87 more are included in the first eight books in the Life on the Goldilocks Planet curriculum/book series?
Get the Life on the Goldilocks Planet Books - they Will Help You Make a Difference
Three years ago my three grandsons and I began a project together. We wanted to learn about interesting animals and how they might help us know God is real and God and science DO go together. At first we thought we might just write two or maybe three books, but when the project was completed we ended up with twelve books! Each book has at least twelve interesting animals in it - many of which we had never heard of before! We included full-color photos, fun, interesting, and even surprising facts about each animal, Bible verses, quotes from scientists, and activities to help children, teens, parents, and grandparents engage with what they were learning in fun and memorable ways. These books - the Life on the Goldilocks Planet series - are available to help families learn together how our amazing world shows us God is real and God and Science DO go together!
Fill Your Winter with Fun, Learning, and Time Connecting Together with the Life on the Goldilocks Planet Books
One thing we grandmas know (and grandpas/ parents, too) is we do not know what a day holds and we must make the most of the time we have. It matters what we do and say today. We are able to hand confident faith to the ones we love. We are able to help them become people who love, know, and walk with God because they know the "whys" - why they are able to believe God is real, and God and science DO go together.
Celebrate God's Fantastic Imagination with the Life on the Goldilocks Planet Books
I love how there are so many interesting animals in this world in which we live - and how they have so many surprising features and abilities! They clearly show us God has a fantastic imagination!
Teach the "Whys" with Anchored
Over the many, many years where churches have had intentional Children's Ministries, we have done a good job when it comes to teaching the "whats" - what the Bible says and therefore what we believe. But for some reason we never focused on teaching the "whys" - why we are able to believe what we believe. While we absolutely must teach the "whats" we also must teach the "whys" - when we do not, we end up with the results we are seeing in families throughout our churches - where young people are turning away from their faith and many of them are turning to atheism (as Barna's research shows), and growing numbers of people are saying they do not believe the Bible is true (as Gallup's research shows.) If we are going to stop these trends, we must start teaching the "whys" with as much intentionality as we show when we teach the "whats".
Generations Quest - A Gift with Lasting Impact
With Christmas just eleven days away, we have been busy selecting gifts for the ones we love - and if you are like me, looking for the best buys. If you are looking for something which you could give to your family to help them all grow in their walk with God, consider Generations Quest! For just $10 you will receive an entire year of Bible readings, questions to get your family talking, and activities to help you all understand the Bible and grow in your walk with God. Talk about a great buy!
The Relief for Grief - Available on Amazon
The past few years have brought blessings into our lives for sure, but with covid, many have experienced loss as well, whether it was the loss of someone they love, the loss of being able to spend time with the ones we love, the loss of a job, the loss of fellowship with others, the loss of our confidence, to mention just a few. Some of us have also experienced loss which was not related to covid as loss is a normal part of our lives.
Praying Deeper Through the Scriptures - Try a Month for Free!
One of the most powerful things we are able to do for the ones we love is to pray for them. Some of us are seasoned prayer warriors, but some of us struggle with praying - what do we pray? How do we pray? Whether you - or someone on your gift list - is a seasoned prayer warrior or someone who struggles with prayer, Praying Deeper Through the Scriptures is a book which will be used every day to guide whoever uses it through praying Scriptures for their own walk with God and for the walks of those they love.
Today I am happy to share with you one month of Praying Deeper Through the Scriptures to help you see what it is like -
Christmas Gifts Which Make a Difference - Praying Deeper Through the Psalms for Children
So far this month I have been sharing with you books and resources which you are able to add to your own "tool kit" of books/ resources which will equip and empower you to hand down confident faith and also make wonderful Christmas gifts which make a difference.
Life on the Goldilocks Planet Books - Great Gift for Christmas!
Have you ordered your Life on the Goldilocks Planet series of books - they make fantastic Christmas gifts for the children you love ages four to fourteen - especially if you add some of the supplies they will need for the science projects, crafts, recipes, and games in the books - but today I want to let you know my special Christmas offer, if you buy a print copy of any of the books and then email me at to tell me which book you bought, I will email you a pdf digital copy of the same book for free!
Give Two Books in One with the Little Ginormous, Humongous, Hairy, One-Eyed Monster Boys Adventures!
When my children were young and then when my grandsons were young, I always gave books as part of their gifts at Christmas. If you are a grandma or mom who also gives books at Christmas, then this is the book to give the children you love! When my grandsons were young and at my house for a sleepover, we typically made up stories at bedtime which almost always had monsters or dinosaurs in them. One night when my oldest grandson was six, my middle grandson was three, and my youngest grandson was one, we were getting them into bed when my oldest grandson said he saw a monster under his brother's bed! This was not what my middle grandson wanted to hear, so I said there could not be any monsters under his bed because the monsters were at their poppa's and grandma's house getting ready for bed on their sleepover. My grandsons found this idea very interesting, so of course, our bedtime story for the night had to have little, ginormous, humongous, hairy, one-eyed monster boys getting ready for bed and being scared because they thought they saw, teeny, tiny, itty, bitty, not-so-hairy, two-eyed people boys under their beds!
The DNA of Grandparents & Parents Who Hand Down Confident Faith - a Christmas Gift which Makes a Difference
"The DNA of Grandparents & Parents Who Hand Down Confident Faith" has a new cover and updated content as well! Look what Tim Kimmel (Family Matters) and Dr. Scott Turansky (National Center for Biblical Parenting) have to say about it -
A Family of Her Own for Candy - a Great Gift for Christmas!
Last summer my husband, grandsons, and I went to the Humane Society to get a kitten. I wanted my grandsons to go with us because, first of all, they love all animals, secondly I wanted to be sure whatever cat we got was one which was able to be around my grandsons without being aggressive. We spent some time at the Humane Society and finally settled on a very sweet calico - which we named Candy, because she is sweet (and my middle grandson said she reminded him of candy corn.)
Winter Reading - AND Family Fun - the Life on the Goldilocks Planet books
From time to time I post about my Life on the Goldilocks Planet books as they make fantastic books for the entire family to enjoy. Today I...
The summer of 2022 my husband, grandsons, and I went to the Humane Society to get a kitten. I wanted my grandsons to go with us because, f...
Over the many, many years where churches have had intentional Children's Ministries, we have done a good job when it comes to teaching...
As I shared over the past couple weeks, during covid my grandsons and I wrote 12 books about animals, so earlier this year I took the animal...