
Fill Your Winter with Fun, Learning, and Time Connecting Together with the Life on the Goldilocks Planet Books


One thing we grandmas know (and grandpas/ parents, too) is we do not know what a day holds and we must make the most of the time we have. It matters what we do and say today. We are able to hand confident faith to the ones we love. We are able to help them become people who love, know, and walk with God because they know the "whys" - why they are able to believe God is real, and God and science DO go together.

One way we are able to do this is with the Life on the Goldilocks Planet books. Each of the twelve books has at least twelve animals in it, many of which you may never have heard of before, along with full-color photos, fun facts, Bible verses, quotes from scientists and fun activities to engage your entire family in talking and learning together as you all develop a confident faith! 

You will find the books on Amazon and at this link. They make a great gift for Children's Day, a birthday, just because, and as a resource to get your family learning, moving, and connecting throughout the winter. Please share this post with the people you know. (And, the Pygmy Hippo is the animal which makes their own sunscreen! They spend so much time in the sun, without it, their skin would be damaged, but God knew what He was doing and made these hippos with this special ability!)

#lifeonthegoldilocksplanet #handingdownaconfidentfaith #itmatterswhatwedo

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Winter Reading - AND Family Fun - the Life on the Goldilocks Planet books

  From time to time I post about my Life on the Goldilocks Planet books as they make fantastic books for the entire family to enjoy. Today I...