
Make the Most of Being a Grandparent with the Praying Deeper Books

As we continue to look at resources which are available for parents and grandparents to use to help them pass on a heritage of confident faith to the children they love, I am delighted to share with you three books which will guide grandparents - and parents, too - in praying every day for the children they love! In the interests of transparency, I wrote these books.

Praying Deeper Through the Old Testament
Praying Deeper Through the Scriptures
Author - Lynda Freeman

Favorite Features -

  • Each book provides a full year, 52 weeks of personalized Scripture prayers for you and the children you love.
  • Each week includes a Scripture passage, personalized Scripture prayer which is then divided into seven parts - one for each day of the week.
  • Helps you focus on praying Scripture for yourself and the children you love in a very focused and intentional way.
When you look at the world around you, do you wonder how your grandchildren /children will possibly grow up to love, know and follow God with faithful hearts? There are so many things to deceive them and side-track or derail their walk with God. But, we do not have to wonder or worry. No! We can do something about it! We can pray and know God not only hears our prayers, but He listens and answers them as well! With Praying Deeper Through the Old TestamentPraying Deeper Through the Psalmsand Praying Deeper Through the Scriptures, you will find 52 weeks of Scripture prayers which guide you in praying specifically for God's Word to be shown in your own life and the lives of the children you love! Each week begins with a new Scripture, personalized prayer and questions to consider. Then each day for the coming week, you will be able to pray a portion of the verse/prayer for yourself and your grandchildren/children. 

This focus on praying God's Word for yourself and your grandchildren/children will give you the opportunity to do something. Something which makes a difference. Pray!

Praying Deeper Through the Old TestamentPraying Deeper Through the Psalmsand Praying Deeper Through the Scriptures are books you could use to focus your prayers and help you become a prayer warrior for your grandchildren/children.

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