
A Family of Her Own for Candy


The summer of 2022 my husband, grandsons, and I went to the Humane Society to get a kitten. I wanted my grandsons to go with us because, first of all, they love all animals, secondly I wanted to be sure whatever cat we got was one which was able to be around my grandsons without being aggressive. We spent some time at the Humane Society and finally settled on a very sweet calico - which we named Candy, because she is sweet (and my middle grandson said she reminded him of candy corn.) 

Fun & Learning with the Life on the Goldilocks Planet series


My grandsons always enjoyed learning about animals - when they were little, they loved this and now they are getting older they continue to enjoy learning about animals. If you have someone you love who enjoys learning about animals, then take a look at the Life on the Goldilocks Planet series of books which you could get to introduce them to some very interesting animals. For example, look at book seven - Giant Anteaters, Peacock Mantis Shrimp, Rufous Potoos & More . . .

Get Your Copy of The Little Ginormous, Humongous, Hairy, One-Eyed Monster Boy's Adventures!


I have been writing about my picture book for children - The Little Ginormous, Humongous, Hairy, One-Eyed Monster Boy's Adventures!  and today want to let you know about the second story in this book - The Little Ginormous, Humongous, Hairy, One-Eyed Monster Boys & Their Not-So-Peculiar, Scary, or Terrifying Discovery! 

In this fun story the little ginormous, humongous, hairy, one-eyed monster boys discover teeny, tiny, itty, bitty, not-so-hairy, two-eyed people children are moving into a house down the street. At first, the monster boys think this is a peculiar, scary, and terrifying thing, but then they decide to go see what they are really like and discover the teeny, tiny, itty, bitty, not-so-hairy, two-eyed people children are actually very much like them! 

Anchored will Help You Teach the "Whys" - More Important Now than Ever


Today I want to share about an important, much needed, resource for your church's Children's Ministry - please share this post with the leaders in your church.

Recently I read an article about new Gallup Poll results regarding how fewer people in the USA now see the Bible as the literal Word of God. The new poll showed, what was to me, a shocking result - only 20% of people believe the Bible is the literal Word of God - only 20%. This is the lowest percentage since they began taking this poll in 1976. Even more shocking to me, this is the first time more people - 29% - "say the Bible is a collection of 'fables, legends, history and moral precepts recorded by man.'" They went on to say, "This marks the first time significantly more Americans have viewed the Bible as not divinely inspired than as the literal word of God."

Make Anytime Funtime with The Little Ginormous, Humongous, Hairy, One-Eyed Monster Boy's Adventures!


If you have young children in your life, then you know how important it is to read books to them - it sets them up for a lifetime of learning - and it is just fantastic to snuggle together and read a book together at bedtime - or anytime! I read many books to my children and most recently to my grandsons when they were little, and we enjoyed making up our own stories, too!

The Life on the Goldilocks Planet Books are Now Available as Kindle ebooks!


From time to time I post about my Life on the Goldilocks Planet books as they make fantastic books for the entire family to enjoy. Today I am very happy to let you know while you are able to get these books as paperback books, the entire series is now also available as Kindle ebooks on Amazon!

Since I am older, I enjoy books in their printed form, but I know many people really like being able to get their books in a digital format, so if this is you, or someone you love, you are now able to get the Life on the Goldilocks Planet books in their very portable ebook format!  

These books are interesting, fun, engaging, and fantastic tools to help you hand down confident faith. I am not the only one who believes these books are an excellent tool to help you hand down confident faith - look what people are saying about it . . . 

Created "Just Right"! - Available for Children Ages Three to Seven!


During COVID my grandsons and I put together twelve books  -the Life on the Goldilocks Planet  series - which help us see how animals show us God is real because He made everything "just right". In these books (which I have shared with you before), you find full-color photos, fun facts, along with crafts, science projects, and recipes for the entire family to enjoy as they learn about the animals and discover how they help them have a confident faith. These books (The Life on the Goldilocks Planet series) are ideal for children ages four through fourteen - and the entire family.

Hand Down Confident Faith with Animals, Activity & Solid Conversations


A few summers ago My grandsons helped with the development of twelve books designed to engage children, teens, young adults, adults, and help grandparents/ parents hand down a confident faith. They tested a water-balloon launcher, made "bugs" and then spent time shooting them off plants outside with water-guns, tested recipes, enjoyed science projects, made tie-dye shirts, created hover-crafts, participated in an egg drop activity, and many more activities chosen to engage children/teens/adults and help make the message of our books "stick" - why we are able to believe in God and trust Him with confidence.

Make the Most of Being a Grandparent - Don't Worry: It Is Impossible to Spoil Grandchildren


I've been writing for several years about how important it is for us, as grandparents to hand down a heritage of confident faith. One way I do this is to let you know about resources to help you as you do this. 

Today I'm letting you know about a book I wrote . . . Don't Worry: It Is Impossible to Spoil Grandchildren In this book, along with sharing some of my "cute-grandson stories", I talk about important things for grandparents to think about and keep in mind as they focus on handing down a heritage of confident faith to their grandchildren. I talk about -

Bible Maze Journey Books are Now Available as Kindle ebooks!


Part of effective Children's Ministry involves planning events which will engage the entire family, but doing this is often challenging. If your church is looking for ideas to help them connect and engage families in your church and community, please share this post with them and ask them to consider getting a Bible Maze Journey book - they are now available as kindle ebooks!

Focused & Intentional Grandparenting with Generations Quest - Cultivate the Faith!

What kind of grandparent are you? Do you enjoy being a grandparent and are happy to be past the child-rearing stage? Do you enjoy spending time with your grandchildren and make time to do things with them? Are you focused and active in passing on a heritage of confident faith to your grandchildren? What kind of grandparent are you?

The Relief for Grief - Available on Amazon

The past few years have brought blessings into our lives for sure, but many have experienced loss as well. Loss is a normal part of our lives. When we experience loss, we experience grief. It is important for us to work through grief, and while there are tools available to help us do this, today I am happy to let you know about a book which is available to help you do exactly this.

Praying Deeper Through the Scriptures for You & the Parents & Grandparents You Love

Over the past few years I have written several books which guide parents and grandparents in praying through the Scriptures for their own walk with God and for their children/ grandchildren's walk as well. I led the G@P (Generations at Prayer) group at my church and we worked through my books, so last year I wrote a new book for my group to use with a focus on praying both Old and New Testament passages for the children we love who are walking with God and those who are not. Praying Deeper Through the Scriptures is available in paperback and makes a fantastic gift for the parents and grandparents you love!

Look what Wayne Rice says about my book - 

Try Praying Deeper Through the Psalms for Children

When we trust God, we are steadfast and are able to experience His perfect peace. This is certainly what we want for the ones we love; at all times, but especially now with the wars in Ukraine and Israel, and the uncertainties of day-to-day life in 2024. Our grandchildren (and/or young children) may especially feel fear as they see and hear about the things going on in this world.

If ever there was a time to help them learn to be people who talk with God, this is it. So, to help you with this, I and my grandsons want you to know about our book, Praying Deeper Through the Psalms for Children. Look what people are saying about this book - 

Praying Deeper Through the Psalms for Grandparents & Parents, Too!

Yesterday I wrote about my book,  Praying Deeper Through the Old Testament for Grandparents & Parents, Too! - and shared endorsements from several people. Today I want to let you know about another book which will help you pray deeper for the ones you love - Praying Deeper Through the Psalms for Grandparents & Parents, Too! This book will guide you through 52 weeks of praying through the Psalms for your own walk with God and for the ones you love as well. It is an excellent tool for you to use to help you in your walk and makes a great gift for the parents and grandparents you know.

Resources to Help You Pass on Your Faith - Deeper In - Praying the Scriptures for the Children You Love

Today I want to share two books with you which you could use to help you pass faith to your grandchildren.  I'm happy to let you know about Praying Deeper Through the Old Testament - the goals of this book are . . .

Learn About Your "Faith & Prayer DNA"

Our DNA is a truly amazing and essential part of who we are, as it holds the "code" or instructions for the things which make us unique as well as for the things we share. It connects us with the generations who came before us; as well as with those who come behind. It is the core of who we are physically. 

Yes, our physical DNA tells our cells and bodies how to Develop, Live and Reproduce, but let's think for a moment about another type of "DNA". A Spiritual DNA. More specifically, our "Faith and Prayer DNA". What are a, "Faith and Prayer DNA" you ask? Well, just as our physical DNA provides the code for how our bodies develop, live and reproduce, our "Faith and Prayer DNA" gives us the code or instructions which help us learn to develop a strong walk of faith, live as people who believe and reproduce by handing down to our children and our children's children a strong, confident and healthy walk of faith. 

Two Books for the Children You Love


Over the past few months I have shared with you my new books for children - A Family of Her Own for Candy and The Little Ginormous, Humongous, Hairy, One-Eyed Monster Boys Adventures! - today I am so happy to let you know both books are now available as Kindle ebooks - and are still available in print books as well.

Yes! illustrate my own Books ARE for You & the Children You Love


The New Year has begun, so if you are looking for something fun you could give the children you love as a gift, consider getting some of the books from the illustrate my own series along with crayons, markers, and/or colored pencils. All of them are fun books which will uniquely engage the children you love in ways they have never engaged before with the accounts of Bible heroes. As they (and you) illustrate their books, they will think about what is happening, the things the Bible people said and did, and how God showed His love and grace to the Bible people . . . which will help the children you love better understand how God shows His love and grace to them as well! 

Make a Difference with illustrate my own - Important Things Jesus Wants Me to Know books

You are likely familiar with the Bible people from my illustrate my own - Important Things Jesus Wants me to Know book series - The Lost Lamb, The Woman at the Well, The Man with Leprosy, The Good Samaritan, The Pharisee  & the Tax Collector, The Two Builders, and Martha & Mary so just think how much fun it would be to illustrate these familiar accounts . . . whether you are an artist or draw your illustrations with stick people. As much fun as it would be for you to illustrate these Bible adventures for your grandchildren, think how much more fun it would be to illustrate them together . . . and most importantly, think about the fantastic conversations you will be able to have as you work together to illustrate your books!

Give the Gift of Understanding & Creativity with illustrate my own - Known Bible Hero book series


You are likely familiar with the Bible people from my illustrate my own - Known Bible Hero book series - Noah, Hananiah, Mishael & Azariah (otherwise known as Shadrach, Meshach & Abednego), Ruth, Joshua, Caleb, David, Elijah, Jonah, Daniel, Joseph, Hadassah (Esther), and Gideon so just think how much fun it would be to illustrate these familiar accounts . . . whether you are an artist or draw your illustrations with stick people. As much fun as it would be for you to illustrate these Bible adventures for your grandchildren, think how much more fun it would be to illustrate them together . . . and most importantly, think about the fantastic conversations you will be able to have as you work together to illustrate your books!

Give the Gift of Understanding & Creativity with illustrate my own - Unknown Bible Hero book series

If you are not an artist, or artistic person, when you see a book   which you need to provide the illustrations, you may think it is not the book for you. But, in this case with the   illustrate my own Unknown Bible Hero booksnothing could be farther from the truth! These books give you the unique opportunity to engage with the children you love in ways you never have when you read a book about a real Bible person, since you and/or they will be providing the illustrations. This means you get to talk about what is happening, think through what the Bible person is saying, and basically really pay attention to the details so you are able to provide the illustrations! Just think about the fantastic conversations you will be able to have about the Bible people and how what they learned applies to you as well! These books are no ordinary Bible person storybook!

illustrate my own Unknown Bible Hero books - No "Ordinary" Bible Person Storybook


Quite a few years ago I wrote a series of books for children about Bible people. I was motivated to do so because when you see books about Bible people, they are usually about just a few Bible people and there are so many more people in the Bible with fantastic accounts of how they were able to know and walk with God. I enjoyed writing the Bible stories, but am not an artist, so I thought maybe it would be fun to write a series of books with an "illustrate my own" "twist" - so the children - and/or families - could illustrate their own books!

The Little Ginormous, Humongous, Hairy, One-Eyed Monster Boys Adventures!


This past week most of the schools in the area had three snow days - I'm certain the children were happy about this! But with snow days, or any days when children are home, there is always the challenge of finding things for them to do. If you have young children ages three to eight in your home, consider giving them a fun book with two stories in it which will brighten their day and make bedtime funtime! 

Make the Most of Being a Grandparent with The DNA of Grandparents & Parents Who Hand Down Confident Faith


If you are looking for a book to help a parent or grandparent you love make the most of handing down confident faith, consider this book - The DNA of Grandparents & Parents Who Hand Down Confident Faith.

In this book I look at how our physical DNA is a truly amazing and essential part of who we are, as it holds the "code" or instructions for the things which make us unique as well as for the things we share. It connects us with the generations who came before us; as well as with those who come behind. It is the core of who we are physically. 

The Life on the Goldilocks Planet Books are Now Available as Kindle ebooks!


From time to time I post about my Life on the Goldilocks Planet books as they make fantastic books for the entire family to enjoy. Today I am very happy to let you know while you are able to get these books as paperback books, the entire series is now also available as Kindle ebooks on Amazon!

A Family of Her Own for Candy - Great Story to Encourage Reading in the New Year

Last summer my husband, grandsons, and I went to the Humane Society to get a kitten. I wanted my grandsons to go with us because, first of all, they love all animals, secondly I wanted to be sure whatever cat we got was one which was able to be around my grandsons without being aggressive. We spent some time at the Humane Society and finally settled on a very sweet calico - which we named Candy, because she is sweet (and my middle grandson said she reminded him of candy corn.) 

Resources to Help You Pass on Your Faith - It Is Impossible to Spoil Grandchildren

Have you been reading grandma's cookie jar and agree with me when I write about passing on a heritage of faith to your grandchildren, but are not sure where and how to begin? Do you have friends who are grandparents who also want to pass on their faith, but are also not sure where to begin? If so, would you and they like to work through a book together to learn how to pass on your faith? Or, even if you know how to pass on your faith, does the idea of a study/book you could work through on your own or with friends sound like a good idea to you? 

Praying Deeper Through the Psalms for Children - Download Four Weeks for Free

When we trust God, we are steadfast and are able to experience His perfect peace. This is certainly what we want for the children we love; at all times, but especially now with so much uncertainty in our world. 

Make 2024 the Year Where You Pray Deeper!

Praying for our grandchildren (and children) is something we all know we need to do, but it is also something many of us struggle with. We may feel like our prayers do not even make it through the ceiling above us and do not know what to say or how to pray. Our lives are busy, so finding the time to pray can be a challenge which we may not overcome and then days go by without us spending time in prayer.

Ask Your Church to Equip You


We are starting a new year - while we may know some of what this new year holds, it is an unknown for the most part. It is likely there will be times of blessing and times of challenge, but regardless of what the new year holds, if you, and your grown children are focused upon handing down confident faith, then the children you love will be able to continue to grow in their walk with God.

No Cookie-Cutter Children's Ministries will Make a Difference in Your Ministry


I am very happy to let you know about the release of my book - "No Cookie-Cutter Children's Ministries" - it is available in our bookstore at this  link and on Amazon at this link!

the little answer book Is For You

Do you have someone in your family who once walked with God, but no longer do? Someone who at one time went to and was active in their church, but today they say they are not even sure if God is real? Or, do you know someone for whom these things are true?

Hand Down Confident Faith with the little answer book for children


As you have likely noticed, from time to time I write about Barna's and Gallup's recent polls - for a very important reason . . . because we must stand up and take action to stop the loss of the ones we love. If someone does not speak up and ask others to join them, how will grandparents, parents, and church leaders know there is a way to stop what is happening? 

Hand Down Confident Faith with Generations Quest Cultivate the Faith


If you are looking for something to help you hand down confident faith, then take a close look at Generations Quest - Cultivate the Faith! This resource will provide you with 52 weeks of Bible learning, science projects, crafts, cooking and much more - all designed to make it easy for you to hand down confident faith while engaging the children you love in interesting, fun and active learning.

The Little Ginormous, Humongous, Hairy, One-Eyed Monster Boys Adventures!


One of the things I loved when my grandsons were younger was bedtime as it always involved telling stories. One night as they boys got ready for bed my oldest grandson told his younger brother there was a monster under his bed. I told them there couldn't be any monsters under their beds because the monsters were at their grandma's and poppa's on a sleepover. This of course required a new bedtime story being made and shared - which I have now put in a book for you to share and enjoy with the children you love.

Winter Reading - AND Family Fun - the Life on the Goldilocks Planet books

  From time to time I post about my Life on the Goldilocks Planet books as they make fantastic books for the entire family to enjoy. Today I...