
Connect Your Family & God's Word with Generations Quest

We grandmas (grandpas/parents) know God has clearly asked us to hand down the faith. This is our God-given job and great joy. (See Psalm 78:4, 6, 7)

If we could receive anything as a gift this year, at the top of our list would absolutely be to have the ones we love make the choice to know, love and walk with God. Well, we can not make the ones we love choose to do this, but we also do not have to leave it to chance for them to know, love and walk with God. 

Hand Down the Faith with Generations Quest - Try it For Free

I have been working on a resource to use with my grandsons to hand down the faith. I am not able to make them choose to love, know and walk with God, but I am able to engage them in reading/understanding God's Word and in watching for God's Great Deeds. If I do these two things, then they will be equipped to walk with God.

Throughout the Bible we read where God has promised His Word will accomplish what He has planned for it to do (Isaiah 55:11), is profitable for teaching (2 Timothy 3:16, 17) and is a light to our path (Psalm 119:11); just to mention three things we know are true about the Bible. God promises His words are powerful, so I want my grandsons to know what God's Word says.

A Free Gift for You

September 9th is National Grandparents' Day - it is the perfect day to focus upon doing the most important thing we are able to do as grandparents - pray for our grandchildren. It is for this reason Grandmas with Heart is delighted to give you a gift - a Free digital copy of Deeper In 4 Grandparents & Parents, Too - Mini Edition. You are able to download your free copy at this linkFeel free to share the link with the grandparents you know.

Deeper In 4 Grandparents & Parents, Too - Mini Edition will give you 12 weeks of Scripture passages which have been personalized into prayers for you and for the children you love. It makes praying Scripture something you are able to do on a daily basis.

And, check out this link for the Christian Grandparenting Network - they have additional free resources for you to help you make National Grandparents' Day a Grandparents' Day of Prayer!

#grandmas #handingdownthefaith #itmatterswhatwedo #grandparentingonpurpose 

Make the Most of Being a Grandparent - It Is Impossible to Spoil Grandchildren

Today I'm happy to let you know about a resources which you could read and use to hand down your faith to your grandchildren - It Is Impossible to Spoil Grandchildren In this book, along with sharing some of my "cute-grandson stories", I talk about important things for grandparents to think about and keep in mind as they focus on handing down a heritage of faith to their grandchildren. I talk about -

Please Share Your Prayer History

I (Lynda) am working on a new book - The DNA of Praying Grandparents & Parents. I hope to complete it the beginning of September, but am asking for your help. I would love, absolutely love to be able to include a chapter which shares accounts from people across the country - and even from around the world - about how God has answered their prayers. 

So, I am asking for your help. If you would be willing to share your, "Prayer History", some of how God has answered your prayers, or the prayers of your family, please email me at  I'm not looking for pages and pages of your "Prayer History", just a few sentences or a paragraph which share about a time when God answered your prayers.

I would be honored to include in my book how God has answered your prayers - please email me and feel free to share this with others who you know have experienced the way God answered their prayers as well.

#grandmas #handingdownthefaith #itmatterswhatwedo #grandparentingonpurpose

Get Your Free e-Book of It is Impossible to Spoil Grandchildren

If you have not yet downloaded your free Kindle e-Book of, It is Impossible to Spoil Grandchildren, you have until 11:59pm on Friday, June 8, 2018 to do so. Just go to this link and get your copy - for free!

Please tell your friends and family, so they are able to get their free e-Book, too. Anyone who is a grandparent, parent, aunt, uncle or someone who works with children will enjoy It is Impossible to Spoil Grandchildren as it is filled with stories and ideas for handing down the faith.

And, if you would, please go to Amazon - at this same link, and write what you think of It is Impossible to Spoil Grandchildren - even just a sentence or two would help greatly in getting the word out about my new book and I would most sincerely appreciate it! Thank you!

It is Impossible to Spoil Grandchildren

I am very happy to say, It is Impossible to Spoil Grandchildren   is available on Kindle and as a print version on Amazon - and you are able to download your own e-Book at this link for free until June 8, 2018! If you are a grandparent, parent, aunt, uncle or someone who works with children, this book is for you.

For years I have written Sunday school curriculum, children's storybooks and Bible Adventures. Curriculum and these types of books come easy to me and I have had the privilege to write for publishers and magazines (curriculum for VeggieTales, SuperBook, Calvary Church Grand Rapids, Deeper in 4 Children and the Manner's Mentor as well as articles for Children's Ministry Magazine, Christianity Today's Your Church Magazine and Legacy Coalition).

It is Impossible to Spoil Grandchildren is FREE This Week Only - June 4, 2018 - June 8, 2018

Yes! The day has arrived and it is downloading the complete book now . . . so, you are able to download your free Kindle e-Book of It is Impossible to Spoil Grandchildren! If you have been thinking about the books you would like to read this summer, this is a great book to add to your list . . . especially since you are able to get a FREE Kindle e-Book today!

Get Your Own Free e-Book of It is Impossible to Spoil Grandchildren, Tomorrow

Tomorrow on Monday, June 4, 2018, you will be able to download your free Kindle e-Book of my new book; It is Impossible to Spoil Grandchildren! This book is filled with my own stories about my grandsons as well as with Scripture and ideas to use with your grandchildren as well as you hand down the faith; such as this one from Chapter Four - We All Want to Be Found . . .

Get Your Own Free e-Book of It is Impossible to Spoil Grandchildren in Just Two Days

Two days to go until you are able to get your own digital copy of It is Impossible to Spoil Grandchildren! The Kindle e-Book is able to be read on your Kindle reader, a tablet or computer, so if you are able to read this, you will be able to read it!

Look what people who have read It is Impossible to Spoil Grandchildren are saying about it . . .

Now There Are Just Three Days Until You Are Able to Get Your Free e-Book

Have you ever had a week where the days just "flew" by and before you knew it, the week was past? I have, but not this past week. Now, don't get me wrong, this past week was filled with wonderful opportunities to spend time with family - especially grandsons, so of course I enjoyed my week, but since Wednesday each day I woke up thinking it was Friday. When I realized it was not, I thought, "How can it not be Friday?" and then it felt like Friday was never going to get here - even though I had a week filled with wonderful time with the boys - which I loved!

Get Your Own Free Copy of It is Impossible to Spoil Grandchildren in Just Three Days

Yes! In just three days you will be able to download to your Kindle or computer a free e-Book of my new book - It is Impossible to Spoil Grandchildren! Look what people who have read it are saying about it . . . 

Pray Zephaniah 3:17 for Your Grandchildren & Join My Launch Team

I have many "favorite verses" in the Bible, but one is definitely found in Zephaniah 3:17
The Lord your God is in your midst bringing victory. He will create calm with His love; He will rejoice over you with singing.
What a picture of God! He is with us, brings victory, His love brings us calm/peace and He sings over us with joy! Share this picture of God with your grandchildren and make this verse your prayer as well!

And, if you would like to join my "launch team" as I prepare to launch my book; It is Impossible to Spoil Grandchildren - just email me.

#grandmas #handingdownthefaith #itmatterswhatwedo #grandparentingonpurpose  

Did You Know & Please Join the Team

Grandparent statistics are always interesting - and fun! Enjoy these and if you are interested in joining the launch team for my book; "It is Impossible to Spoil Grandchildren", email me and I'll give you the info you will need as I move forward with the re-launch of this book.

Please Join My Launch Team

A few months back I invited you to join my Launch Team as I prepared to re-launch an updated version of my book; It is Impossible to Spoil Grandchildren. But then, as life is known to do from time-to-time, I became very busy and the re-launch was moved to a "back burner". Happily, I am ready to try once again to "re-launch" my book and am inviting you to join my Launch Team!

Free Gift for You - a Kindle e-book

I'm very happy to share with you a simple tool which you may use to help you pray for yourself, your walk with God and for your daughters, sons, in-laws and grandchildren and their walks with God as well. What is this tool? The book - Deeper In 4 Grandparents & Parents, Too! Praying the Scriptures for the Children You Love - Mini Edition!

And, from tomorrow, May 11th at 12am through May 15, 2018 you are able to download the Kindle edition at this link for FREE! Yes, it is our gift to you, so please check it out, download a copy for yourself and share the link with the people you know so they are able to do the same!

#grandmas #handingdownthefaith #itmatterswhatwedo #grandparentingonpurpose

Hand Down the Faith with Generations Quest!

One of the things I want to do is let you know about resources which will help you hand down the faith to your grandchildren. Today I want to let you know about a new resource you could use to hand down the faith by getting your grandchildren to read the Bible with you - no matter their age or location - and invite you to try it for a month!

Generations Quest will be launching in a few weeks, but I do have one month available for you to try for free. The idea is simple. Each day you, your children and grandchildren all read a few verses and think about a question or two. Once or twice a month you connect - in person, over the phone, on-line - however works for you - to talk about what you all are learning.

A Prayer for You & Those You Love

There are many things we need to be talking with God about in regards to the people we love and know; these are certainly great places to begin. As you go through this week, consider making this your prayer -

He is Alive!

This is the truth upon which we build our faith - Jesus is not still in a tomb; He rose, just as He said He would do! Because of this, we are able to receive God's grace and His forgiveness for our sins.

So, today, whether you spend time with family or not, take time to thank Jesus for His amazing gift and share the Good News with those you love!

Happy Resurrection Sunday - He is alive!  #grandmas #handingdownthefaith #itmatterswhatwedo #grandparentingonpurpose 
 (This post is from the Grandmas with Heart facebook page - please check it out and like, follow and share with the people you know.)

Winter Reading - AND Family Fun - the Life on the Goldilocks Planet books

  From time to time I post about my Life on the Goldilocks Planet books as they make fantastic books for the entire family to enjoy. Today I...